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قديم 15 - 12 - 2008, 22:35
القناص غير متصل
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القناص is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter

برنامج Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter لتحويل صيغ الصوتيه

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter

برنامج Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter تحويل Convert أغلب صيغ صوت audio الشعبية ألى WMA and MP3 يمكنك الأستفادة من هذا البرنامج بتحويل العديد من صيغ الصوت ألى WMA and MP3 والتي يتعامل معها أغلب برامج تشغيل الملتميديا وبرامج تشغيل متعدد الوسائط وأجهزة الجوال وغيرها. تتميز صيغ صوت WMA and MP3 بنقاوة صوت عالية الجودة يمكنك من خلال البرنامج تحكم بمدى جودة الصوت ويوفر لك العديد من خيارات لتحكم بجودة الصوت يتميز البرنامج بواجهة بسيطة ورائعة جدا تجعله من افضل البرامج في مجاله. ويستطيع البرنامج تحويل صيغ الصوت التالية : WAV, MP2, MP3, M4A, MP4, WMA, OGG, AAC, APE, VQF ألى صيغ الصوت MP3, WMA ومن أهم مميزات البرنامج يمكنك أستخلاص ملفات الصوت MP3 / WMA من أفلام الفيديو يدعم صيغ التالية MPEG, AVI, MP4, AVI برنامج مميز بأمكانيات كبيرة يستحق التحميل

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter
Convert audio files to WMA and MP3 format with ease.

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter is a powerful and comprehensive piece of software that provides you with the possibility to quickly and easily convert your favorite audio files to WMA and MP3 format with high speed and excellent output quality.

This MP3 WMA Converter is designed for converting WMA to MP3 and MP3 to WMA, besides that, it can also supports WAV, MP2, MP3, M4A, MP4, WMA, OGG, AAC, APE, VQF etc as input and converts them to MP3, WMA files. And it provides optimized default setting, you can converting your file is just a button click away.

Here are some key features of "Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter":

· Convert MP3 / WMA audio from popular audio file format
Input video format supported: almost all popular Audio file format (AAC, FLAC, MP2, MP3, OGG WAV, WMA)
· Output video format supported: MP3, WMA
· Extract MP3 / WMA audio from popular video formats(MPEG, AVI, MP4, AVI etc.)
· Input video format supported: almost all popular video file format (MPEG, AVI, MP4, AVI etc.)
· Output video format supported: MP3, WMA
· Batch conversion
· you can enactment every WMA to MP3 / MP3 to WMA / AAC to WMA / MP4 converting task flexibly, and the task can be saved and load.
· User-adjustable codec parameter setting
· All of the video codec parameters is optimized and predigested, the default setting can get good quality MP3 or WMA files, and you also can set them flexibly to get excellent quality MP3 or WMA files.
· Output parameters configuration
· Output files can be renamed (without extension file name MP3 or WMA etc.) and the output path can be easily modified(absolute path).
· View the information of the original files
· You can view the detail information about video codec, video bit rate, *************** rate, audio codec, audio bit rate, sample rate etc. of a video file with all file format(WMA, MP3, MPEG, MP4, AVI etc.)


· CPU: 350MHz or above
· RAM: 64 MB or above


· 20 files conversion limit
· Nag screen

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter
Convert audio files to WMA and MP3 format with ease.

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter is a powerful and comprehensive piece of software that provides you with the possibility to quickly and easily convert your favorite audio files to WMA and MP3 format with high speed and excellent output quality.

This MP3 WMA Converter is designed for converting WMA to MP3 and MP3 to WMA, besides that, it can also supports WAV, MP2, MP3, M4A, MP4, WMA, OGG, AAC, APE, VQF etc as input and converts them to MP3, WMA files. And it provides optimized default setting, you can converting your file is just a button click away.

Here are some key features of "Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter":

· Convert MP3 / WMA audio from popular audio file format
Input video format supported: almost all popular Audio file format (AAC, FLAC, MP2, MP3, OGG WAV, WMA)
· Output video format supported: MP3, WMA
· Extract MP3 / WMA audio from popular video formats(MPEG, AVI, MP4, AVI etc.)
· Input video format supported: almost all popular video file format (MPEG, AVI, MP4, AVI etc.)
· Output video format supported: MP3, WMA
· Batch conversion
· you can enactment every WMA to MP3 / MP3 to WMA / AAC to WMA / MP4 converting task flexibly, and the task can be saved and load.
· User-adjustable codec parameter setting
· All of the video codec parameters is optimized and predigested, the default setting can get good quality MP3 or WMA files, and you also can set them flexibly to get excellent quality MP3 or WMA files.
· Output parameters configuration
· Output files can be renamed (without extension file name MP3 or WMA etc.) and the output path can be easily modified(absolute path).
· View the information of the original files
· You can view the detail information about video codec, video bit rate, *************** rate, audio codec, audio bit rate, sample rate etc. of a video file with all file format(WMA, MP3, MPEG, MP4, AVI etc.)


· CPU: 350MHz or above
· RAM: 64 MB or above


· 20 files conversion limit
· Nag screen

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter

الشركة المطورة: TootooSoft
نوع الترخيص: Demo
حجم البرنامج: 4.15 MB
نظام التشغيل: Windows All

لتحميل برنامج Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter

الصوت, البرنامج, يمكنك, برنامج, تحويل, تشغيل, التالية, العديد, البرامج, تجعله, بسيطة, بجودة, لتحكم, يتميز, بواجهة, مجاله, ورائعة, أستخلاص, بأمكانيات, كبيرة

Tootoo WMA MP3 Converter


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03 - 12 - 2009, 04:50   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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