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قديم 28 - 11 - 2008, 17:33
القناص غير متصل
..:: مشرف سابق::..

القناص is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Wink BSPlayer PRO v2.27 Build 959 Multi

برنامج Wink BSPlayer PRO v2.27 Build 959 Multi لتشغيل الافلام بالترجمه

Wink BSPlayer PRO v2.27 Build 959 Multi
Wink BSPlayer PRO v2.27 Build 959 Multi

World's most popular multimedia player! Ever since the very beginning in the year 2000, the BS.Player™ has been one of the world's most popular multimedia players. It is popular for many reasons, one however should be pointed out: BS.Player™ is the first player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec.

The BS.Player™ 2.0 does not only play, but with the BS.MediaLibrary™ it also manages your multimedia content. You can sort the content in playlists, which enable you to work with files faster and more easily. Playlists may be created through the BS.MediaLibrary™ module or directly through the primary BS.Player™ 2.0 module.

Last but not least - BS.Player™ is a product for the world public so it is equipped with a treasury of subtitle options which enable the users to watch multimedia files in many of the world's languages.

Changes in BS.Player 2.27 Build 959, Feb 27, 2008:

* sometimes BS.Player would hang trying to load invalid or corrupted subtitles, fixed,
* when 'Always on top' option was active, main window would be shown after full screen skin was hidden, fixed,
* fixed broken subtitles support in FREE version with EVR renderer under VISTA operating system, and other minor EVR renderer improvements
* fixed problem with *************** capture when format string didn't include %A,
* fixed problem with cut subtitles,
* fixed problem with 'old style' playlist,
* video window position won't be reset anymore if left outside display margin (except if entire video window is outside visible display),
* recent items (history) won't be deleted any more after installing new version,
* some media library fixes,
* added menu items for repeat modes (Playback>Playback mode),
* added option to set how many recent items (history) to keep in list,
* and some other minor fixes.

احدث نسخه من هذا البرنامج العملاق
برنامج اكثر من رائع في تشغيل الافلام بالترجمه
البرنامج مرقف معه الكي جين

الرابط : http://rapidshare.com/files/10590052....959_Multi.rar
Wink BSPlayer PRO v2.27 Build 959 Multi

Wink BSPlayer PRO v2>27 Build 959 Multi


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05 - 12 - 2008, 19:49   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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مجموعة برامج نادرة ( رابط واحد ) مبرمج المدينة قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 135 26 - 01 - 2011 12:15
احدث اصدار من برنامج عارض الفيديو الشامل BSPlayer Pro 2.22 Build 952 مع الشرح القناص قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 8 05 - 11 - 2008 20:38

الساعة الآن 11:27.

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