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معجبو مدينة الاحلام علي الفيس بوك

قديم 13 - 04 - 2008, 18:20
English Man غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

English Man is on a distinguished road
افتراضي beautiful topics

beautiful topics

Love me but, leave me not,

Kiss me but, miss me not,

Hit me but, hate me not,

Remember me but, 4get me not.


A Good friend is like a Computer,
'Enter' UR life,

'Save' U in their heart,

'Format' UR problems,
'Shift' U 2 opportunities &
Never 'Delete' U from memory!


Roses can shy, Rivers can dry,

U can 4get me, How can I ?


Roses R Red, Violets R Blue,

Friends like U, R very few.


Day's by day's week depart,

Week's by week's month depart,

Month's by month year depart,

But my friendship with U will never depart.


Never say UR happy when UR sad,

Never say UR fine when UR not ok,

Never say U feel good when U feel bad, &

Never say UR alone when I m still alive.


1 who laughs at U is UR enemy, & 1 who laughs with U is UR Friend.


Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need U. years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with U will never die.


1 day U will ask me: What is more important 2 U, me or Ur life?

I will say: my life?

U will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!


Feel good when some,,,, Miss U.

Feel better when some,,,, Loves U.

But feel best when some,,,, never 4gets U.


A friend is sweet when its new.

But it is sweeter when its TRUE!

But U know what? Its sweetest when its U.


A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when U have nowhere 2 go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is U.


If kisses were water, I will give U sea.

If hugs were leaves, I will give U a tree.

If U love a planet, I will give U a galaxy,

If friendship is life I will give U mine.


People live People die

People Laugh People Cry

Some give up Some will try

Some say hi Some say bye

Others may 4get U but never will I.


Life is 4 U, death is 4 me,

Being happy is 4 U, being sad is 4 me,

Being 2gether is 4 U, being lonely is 4 me,

Everything 4 U, but U r 4 me.


Sometimes my mind asked why? I miss U, Why? I care 4 U, Why? I remember U then my heart answered its simply bcoz U R a sweet friend!!


If I could pull down the rainbow I would write UR ,,,, with it & put it back in the sky 2 let every,,,, know how colourful my life is with a friend like U!!

beautiful topics


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