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قديم 12 - 09 - 2012, 20:27
الصورة الرمزية Ammar
Ammar غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

Ammar is on a distinguished road
Cool صور مع الشرح لستخدام اي فون5 مع اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة لة احذرو التقليد

صور مع الشرح لستخدام اي فون5 مع اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة لة احذرو التقليد

صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو

1 iPhone 5: 15 most-wanted features (photos)
صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو

Micro-HDMI out

1 of 15 from iPhone 5: 15 most-wanted features (photos)
صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو

صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو

صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو

صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو
Battery life on some 4G LTE Android phones has been horrid.
Great Battery Life

One of the reasons that Apple has been so late to the 4G LTE party is because of the poor battery life found on older 4G LTE devices. Apple prides itself on offering best-in-class battery life on its devices, just look at the iPad, and the iPhone 5 even with 4G LTE connectivity, will be no different.

Apple has watched as the competition has released phones with terrible battery life. In most cases, it hasn’t been the fault of manufacturers. 4G LTE, in general, puts a lot of strain on the battery. However, as Apple proved with the 4G LTE iPad, 4G LTE devices can have both the speeds and a great battery.

We expect, with all of the time that Apple has had to test 4G LTE on the iPhone, that the iPhone 5 will probably offer some of the best battery life found on a 4G LTE smartphone.
Powerful Processor

While some expected Apple to announce a quad-core iPad, Apple instead introduced its A5X dual-core chip alongside the new iPad, a chip that offers quad-core graphics. Apple has tested quad-core processors in its devices and we very well may see a quad-core A6 chip introduced with the iPhone 5.

However, Apple debuted its A5 dual-core processor with the iPad 2 and it later became the chip that powered the iPhone 4S. The company may end up doing something similar with the iPhone 5.

Apple has continually upgraded its smartphone with a faster, more powerful processor and we don’t expect anything different from the iPhone 5. A dual-core processor will get the job done and if the A5X is the on board chip, quad-core graphics should bring a smoother, better-looking gaming experience to the iPhone.

صور الشرح لستخدام فون5 اكسسوارات والملحقات التابعة احذرو

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