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قديم 15 - 08 - 2012, 18:23
الصورة الرمزية Ammar
Ammar غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

Ammar is on a distinguished road
Cool لعبة الأكشن والأثارةAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012

لعبة الأكشن والأثارةAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012

لعبة الأكشن والأثارةAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012

Name Game : Alan Wakes American Nightmare 2012 Reloaded + repack v2
Publisher : Remedy Entertainment
Developer : Remedy Entertainment
Genre : Action
Release Date : May 22, 2012 (more)
ESRB : Teen
ESRB Descriptors : Intense Violence, ual Themes, Blood and Gore, Strong

System Minimum

OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP
Processorual Core 2GHz Intel or 2.8GHz AMD
Memory:2 GB RAM
GraphicsirectX 10 compatible with 512MB RAM
Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
SoundirectX 9.0c compatible

System Recommended

OS: Microsoft Windows 7
Processor:Quad Core 2.66GHz Intel or 3.2GHz AMD
Memory:4 GB RAM
GraphicsirectX 10 compatible or later with 1GB RAM
Hard Drive:8 GB HD space
Sound irectX 9.0c compatible

Start Installation Game Reloaded

Unpack the release
Mount or burn image
Install The game From Setup.exe
Play the game

Start Installation Repack

Unpack the release
Install The game From Setup.exe
Play the game

لعبة الأكشن والأثارةAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012

لعبة الأكشن والأثارةAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012

لعبة الأكشن والأثارةAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012

gufm hgH;ak ,hgHehvmAlan Wakes American Nightmare 2012


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الساعة الآن 07:46.


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