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قديم 01 - 02 - 2012, 14:00
الصورة الرمزية قلب جرئ
قلب جرئ غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

قلب جرئ is on a distinguished road
افتراضي sphinx - the sphinx


A sphinx (Greek: Σφίγξ /sphinx, Bœotian: Φίξ /Phix) is a mythical creature with a lion's body and a human head or a cat head.In Greek tradition, it has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman. She is mythicised as treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot answer her riddle suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories, as they are killed and eaten by this ravenous monster.[1] Unlike the Greek sphinx which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man (an androsphinx). In addition, the Egyptian sphinx was viewed as benevolent in contrast to the malevolent Greek version and was thought of as a guardian often flanking the entrances to temples.In European decorative art, the sphinx enjoyed a major revival during the Renaissance. Later, the sphinx image, something very similar to the original Ancient Egyptian concept, was exported into many other cultures, albeit often interpreted quite differently due to translations of descriptions of the originals and the evolution of the concept in relation to other cultural traditions.Generally the role of sphinxes is associated with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found near Gobekli Tepe at another site, Nevali Çorior possibly 120 miles to the east at Kortik Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 BC

sphinx the sphinx

sphinx - the sphinx
sphinx the sphinx
sphinx the sphinx

sphinx the

sphinx the sphinx
sphinx the
sphinx the sphinx
sphinx sphinx
sphinx the sphinx
sphinx the
sphinx the sphinx
the sphinx
sphinx the sphinx

sphinx the sphinx

good stay

sphinx - the


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الساعة الآن 07:49.

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