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معجبو مدينة الاحلام علي الفيس بوك

قديم 15 - 10 - 2011, 01:03
الصورة الرمزية قاهر الاعداء
قاهر الاعداء غير متصل
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Question facebook login

facebook login

Facebook login problems are more common than some users might think they are. The most common type of errors that are encountered by Facebook users are usernames and passwords that are not accepted. Less common are page display problems or other error messages during the login phase. There are a few options for users who face Facebook login problems.
One option would be to request a password reset directly at Facebook. The option is available on the Facebook login page and requires only the email address that the user registered the Facebook account with. This usually should solve the problem of not being able to log into Facebook.

facebook login

A superior solution to this is to use a password manager like Last Pass to store the Facebook account information. Last Pass can automatically fill out the form at the Facebook login page and log the user into the social networking website without interaction at all. Last Pass is currently available for several popular web browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
Facebook support contains a Facebook login and password help page that addresses several questions that Facebook users might have about the login process. This includes
•I can’t log in to Facebook.
•I want to change my password.
•My account was hacked or “phished.”
•I want to change my login email address or add a new contact email address.
•I want to sign up for an account. I’m experiencing issues registering for an account.
•There is a yellow banner prompting me to confirm my account.
•I have questions about the “Keep me logged in” option.
•Bugs and known problems.
You can visit the support page here.

Login and Password - Facebook Help Center | Facebook


facebook login


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