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قديم 08 - 10 - 2011, 20:15
الصورة الرمزية البرق
البرق غير متصل
..:: خدمة العملاء ::..

البرق is on a distinguished road
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افتراضي Picture of the tomb of Steve Jobs

Picture of the tomb of Steve Jobs

Picture the tomb Steve Jobs

Spread on a number of international ********s the first picture of the tomb of an inspiring "Apple" U.S. steve Jobs, chief executive of the company "Apple" world, where seemed to image the grave like a front for a "iPod", which was invented by jobs before several years. Written on the tomb from the outside "iGrave "a hint of the tomb instead of the word" iPod ", and below was written by" a grave error ", in reference to the death of Jobs' surprise yesterday.

The company Apple has announced yesterday the death of genius steve Jobs, at the age of 56, after expressly long with cancer, which forced him to resign from the company last May, leaving the opportunity to Smadh Mike Cook. The Apple announced a few days ago for a "iPhone 4s "The new upgraded version of the iPhone 4, was before the death jobs two days ago.

Picture of the tomb Steve Jobs


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