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معجبو مدينة الاحلام علي الفيس بوك

قديم 04 - 10 - 2011, 23:04
الصورة الرمزية قاهر الاعداء
قاهر الاعداء غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

قاهر الاعداء is on a distinguished road
Arrow How To Enable Facebook Timeline

Facebook have just debuted new feature for your profile called Timeline, where the social networking giant claims “allows you to check back on everything you have ever done, all the way back to when you were born.” Though the features isn’t yet available for public consumption, here’s something you can do to enable Timeline on your Facebook profile. Be ready to share your creativeness, as it will allow you to display a large “cover photo” at the top of your profile. Accordingly, giving a creative reasons which might just be enough to attract more new users for Facebook.
How To Enable Facebook Timeline
Step 1: Log into your Facebook account and follow this link.
Step 2: Next, you will be requested for permission, click “allow”.

How Enable Facebook Timeline
Step 3: Click “Create New App” in the top right corner.

How Enable Facebook Timeline
Step 4: Write anything in ‘name’ and ‘namespace’ field. Click the checkbox “I agree to the platform privacy policy” and then click continue.

How Enable Facebook Timeline

Step 5: Click “Open Graph” in the left sidebar.

How Enable Facebook Timeline

Step 6: On the next page, fill in anything in fields under the heading and click “Get Started”.

How Enable Facebook Timeline
Step 7: Scroll down and click ”Save Changes and Next”. Do the same on the next screen.

How Enable Facebook Timeline

Step 8: After you are done with step 7, you will be taken to this screen. Wait for a few minutes and then go back to your Facebook homepage.
How Enable Facebook Timeline
Step 9: On your homepage, you will see a message to get your timeline feature. Click “Get it now” and you are done.

How Enable Facebook Timeline

How To Enable Facebook Timeline


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