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قديم 02 - 10 - 2011, 17:59
azeaze غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

azeaze is on a distinguished road
افتراضي اخر اصدار للعبة الشيقة King Of Fighters XIII على اكثر من موقع

اخر اصدار للعبة الشيقة King Of Fighters XIII على اكثر من موقع

اخر اصدار للعبة الشيقة King Fighters XIII على

Release name: King.Of.Fighters.XIII.Full-P2P
Size: 826 MB


King of Fighters XIII improves upon the KOF XII engine, using the Taito Type X2 arcade board like it’s predecessor. There are nine returning KOF veterans in this installment, including: K’, Kula, King, Mai, Yuri, Takuma, Vice, Maxima, and Hwa Jai. In addition, there will be at least 3 console exclusive characters, including: Billy Kane, Classic Iori Yagami, and Human Saiki! All together, KOF XIII boasts over 30 hand-drawn characters and the fighters will be grouped into teams this time

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اخر اصدار للعبة الشيقة King Fighters XIII على



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