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قديم 16 - 09 - 2011, 01:42
الصورة الرمزية قاهر الاعداء
قاهر الاعداء غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

قاهر الاعداء is on a distinguished road
Talking Top 8 Tallest men in the World

Top 8 Tallest men in the World

The top 8 in the following list contains 8 tallest person in the world. The shortest person in the following list is 8 feet and ¾ inches tall. Is shorter than the world's tallest female in the name of China Zeng Jinlian. His height was 8 feet 1 ¾ inches and died in 1982 at the age of 17. Back to the top 8, let's start from the top.

1. Robert Wadlow (8 feet and 11.1 inches/2.72 meters)
Lifespan: 22 years

Top Tallest men the World

Robert Wadlow was an American and was born in 1918. The world of recorded and confirmed by Guinness as the tallest man alive until 1940. Although death is now the world will always remember him as the tallest person in history
2. John Rogan (8 feet 8 inches/2.67 meters)
Lifespan: 37 years

Top Tallest men the World

John Rogan was born in 1868 and was another American who set a world record as the tallest man alive. His death on higher registration dispute in 1905. Since the Robert Wadlow holds the record as the tallest man in the world and in history, John Rogan sits on the second row of the world's tallest person ever recorded.
3. John F. Carroll (8 feet 7¾ inches or 2.64 meters)
Lifespan: 37 years

Top Tallest men the World

During his life, John suffered abnormal spinal curvature and that made him difficult to stand normally. He was born in 1932 and he died in 1969.
4. Väinö Myllyrinne (8 feet 3 inches or 2.51 meters)
Lifespan: 53 years

Top Tallest men the World

He is the longest man who held the record of tallest man alive in the world start from 1940-1963. Väinö Myllyrinne was born in 1909 and died in 1963
5. Don Koehler (8 Feet 2 inches or 2.49 meters)
Lifespan: 56 years

Top Tallest men the World

Don Koehler is an American and held the title as the tallest man alive since the mid 70's until his death in 1981. Born in 1925 and had a twin sister in height. His height was 1.75 meters or 5 feet 9 inches.

6. Bernard Coyne (8 feet 2 inches or 2.49 meters)
Lifespan: 24 years

Top Tallest men the World

Bernard Coyne was born in 1897 and died in 1921. He was trying to join the army but the army disqualified his application because his height was 8 feet high. At the time of his death, his height reached 8 feet 2 inches tall.

7. Vikas Uppal (8 feet 2 inches or 2.49 meters)
Lifespan: 21 years

Top Tallest men the World

Vikas Uppal is an Indian and he was born in 1986. Guinness official never officially measured Vikas Uppal height and that what made his record is debatable.

8. Sultan Kösen (8 feet 2 inches or 2, 49 meters)

Top Tallest men the World

According to Guinness world record September 17, 2009, Sultan Kosen is the tallest living person in the world today. Born in 1982 and is the only man living in the top 10 tallest person ever recorded.

Top 8 Tallest men in the World


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