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قديم 10 - 09 - 2011, 22:02
الصورة الرمزية قاهر الاعداء
قاهر الاعداء غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

قاهر الاعداء is on a distinguished road
افتراضي watch u.s. open tennis 2011 - us open tennis

My beloved tennis everywhere renewed encounter with the U.S. Open tennis 2011 and is preparing Arthur Ashe Stadium, which accommodates more than 23.200 spectators every thousand games top players in the tournament.

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Statistics for the tournament
1 - characterized as the U.S. Open in 1970 became the first tournament using the tiebreak Tie Break in the final set of them.
2 - characterized as the first tournament that allows players to challenge the decisions of government using technology eagle eye, and used the first time in 2006 in stadiums Arthur Ashe and Louis Ermstrong the rules that every player has the right to usufruct Bthdaan and add them to challenge the third Thai Break, but in 2008, every player 3 challenges in one group and add challenge and one run in the Altai Break.

3 - More player won the tournament (to all competitors) is the Bill Tilden won the title at 16, either on the one hand women are Margaret Osborne duPont won in 25 titles.

4 - Jimmy Connors is the only player who won the trophy more than the surface, on the grass and dirt and solid, and is the only Chris Evert, who won the title on two different ground stations.

watch u>s> open tennis 2011 - us us open tennis


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الساعة الآن 21:26.

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