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قديم 12 - 04 - 2011, 21:37
karim4up غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

karim4up is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Crasher 2011

Crasher 2011

Crasher 2011

Crasher 2011
Crasher 2011
On the game: "Crasher" will ask you to ride the futuristic vehicles and go to war with other players. However, despite the name, for victory will not just shatter and destroy everything that gets in the way. "Crasher" - a team game in which battles take place in the format of "five by five," and therefore to the ultimate success will have to competently interact with partners, to choose the right tactics and strategy on individual duel. The bottom line is that a lot of vehicles, and each of them differs in characteristics, special features and style, so the team should be as balanced in order to be able to successfully resist any adversary. The same goes for weapons.

Crasher 2011
Crasher 2011
Crasher 2011

Crasher 2011
System: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Pentium IV / AMD 2 GHz
Memory: 2 Gb
Video Card: 256 MB
Sound card: compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard disk: 1 GB

Crasher 2011
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Crasher 2011 crasher


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2011, crasher

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اكبر مجموعة من رسائل العام الجديد 2011 مسجات العام الجديد 2011 الخاصة بالعام 2011 أياد مسجات - رسائل جوال - وسائط - mms - sms 3 27 - 06 - 2011 18:58
happy new year 2011 sms Christmas happy new year DreamsCity مسجات - رسائل جوال - وسائط - mms - sms 1 29 - 03 - 2011 14:21
رسائل العام الجديد 2011 - مسجات العام الجديد 2011 DreamsCity مسجات - رسائل جوال - وسائط - mms - sms 1 29 - 03 - 2011 14:20
فورد أكسبلور 2011 – صور فورد أكسبلور 2011 الجديدة جديد سيارات فورد اكسبلور قاهر الاعداء عالم السيارات 3 17 - 03 - 2011 06:51
صور 2011 احلى صور 2011 فرولة المدينة قسم الصور 3 05 - 02 - 2011 19:44

الساعة الآن 07:49.


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