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معجبو مدينة الاحلام علي الفيس بوك

قديم 12 - 02 - 2011, 13:49
الصورة الرمزية أياد
أياد غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

أياد is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Egyptian Dictator Mubarak to resign or flee country

Mubarak Already Out Of Egypt, Speech Pre-Recorded, Say Arab Channels

Egyptian Dictator Mubarak resign flee country

Reports that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has left the country and that his televised speech was pre-recorded have surfaced as the people of Egypt wait to see what their final destiny will be.

Various different sources have provided contradictory information as to the whereabouts of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. While the man is expected to speak on Thursday, where many speculate that he will resign, some reports indicate that he has already left the country and that his speech is pre-recorded. Markets were responsive ahead of the televised speech, with the Market Vectors Egypt ETF (EGPT) gaining 5.4% or 96 cents to $18.68 early in the session, and Brent Crude, the international benchmark, falling 0.55% or 56 cents to $101.26.

One such report came from Sky News, property of media-tycoon Rupert Murdoch. In an article citing Nile TV, Sky News reports that “Mr Mubarak had left the country already and that tonight’s statement was pre-recorded on Wednesday.” MSNBC’s World Blog seeks to disprove Sky, claiming at 12:05 PM ET that NBC’s Richard Engel confirmed that Mubarak was still in Cairo. (Read Trouble In The Suez! Oil Tankers Surge On Egyptian Violence).

World Blog makes reference to Middle East channel Al-Arabiya, though, which reports that “Mubarak is in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh with his army chief of staff.” Another source, Zero Hedge, also echoed the possibility the Mubarak had left Egypt. Quoting Stratfor, which appears to be citing BBC Arabic, Zero Hedge reports that Mubarak “has reportedly already left the country, and his speech scheduled for the night of Feb. 10 has been pre-recorded, BBC Arabic reported. Some reports indicate Mubarak will speak within two hours, while other unconfirmed reports say he left the country as early as yesterday.”

While none of the information can be currently confirmed, a televised speech by Hosni Mubarak is expected on January 10 at some point of the day. If it was pre-recorded or actually live will be something that will surface only later.

Egyptian Dictator Mubarak to resign or flee country dictator egyptian mubarak


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country, dictator, egyptian, flee, mubarak, resign

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