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قديم 20 - 01 - 2011, 18:37
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افتراضي لعبة الاثارة و التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186 Mb

لعبة الاثارة التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186

لعبة الاثارة التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186

لعبة Project Eden

لعبة الاثارة التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186

Project Eden

PC game | English | Publisher: Eidos | 186 Mb

Genre: Sci-Fi Action Adventure

Due to severe overpopulation, the planet Earths diameter is increasing with the growth of towering mega-cities, each inhabited by millions of humans. Buildings are growing ever-upwards, interconnected with a thick web of roads, walkways and service channels. In these giant human hives, only the affluent may feel the rays of the sun and breathe the cleaner air.

Descending thousands of feet through the echelons, conditions steadily decline to slum level. The inhabitants of these squalid areas barely glimpse the murky sunlight that filters through the dense infrastructure above. And below the slums lie even more repugnant conditions, an underworld occupied by criminals, cultists, the wretched and deranged. Assumed derelict, the very lowest of these areas is visited only by structural engineering teams when foundations require strengthening - in order to accommodate yet further elevations.

It is within one such city that Project Eden is set. The player(s) controls a team of 4 members of the UPA (Urban Protection Agency) - an elite force which deals with serious disturbances within the city. The team is initially called in to investigate problems at the Real Meat factory, in which all the equipment has started to simultaneously malfunction. Technicians sent to repair the machinery have gone missing without explanation. Here begins The UPA's sinister trail of inquiry

لعبة الاثارة التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186

لعبة الاثارة التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186

لعبة الاثارة التشويق Project Eden بحجم 186

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186, لعبة, الاثارة, التسويق, eden, بحجم, project

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الساعة الآن 14:44.


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