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قديم 17 - 01 - 2011, 04:25
farfor767 غير متصل
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افتراضي Topaz Labs Plug-In Bundle For Photoshop

Topaz Labs Plug-In Bundle For Photoshop (January 2011)

Topaz Labs Plug-In Bundle For Photoshop

Plug-in Contents - Updated January-2011
01. Topaz Adjust v4.1.0
02. Topaz Clean v3.0.2
03. Topaz DeJPEG v4.0.2
04. Topaz DeNoise v5.0.1
05. Topaz Detail v2.0.5
06. Topaz InFocus v1.0.0
07. Topaz ReMask v3.0.0
08. Topaz Simplify v3.0.2

Install setup
When prompt for a directory folder to install
Navigate to your Adobe Photoshop Plugin Folder (Default)
*C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Plug-ins
Run Photoshop, open an image file
Click Photoshop [Filter] tab & select Topaz Labs Plug-ins from drop-down list
Click Topaz Plug-in [Menu] tab > Enter Key
Use Key.txt information

Included Products
Topaz Adjust is the easiest way to make your photos pop. Adjust optimizes image exposure, color, and detail strength for stunning image results. Quality exposure adjustment in Photoshop is cumbersome and sometimes frustrating. Topaz Adjust makes this process simple, fun, and highly rewarding.
Topaz Simplify provides creative simplification, art effects, and line accentuation for easy one-of-a-kind art. In contrast to built-in artistic filters in Photoshop, which are limited to certain specific effects, Topaz Simplify creates a wide range of stunning artistic effects in a simple, intuitive, but powerful interface.
Topaz Detail gives full control and precision over all aspects of detail manipulation without creating any edge artifacts or halos. Unlike Photoshop's detail enhancement techniques, Topaz Detail effectively accentuates three levels of detail without the slightest trace of artifacts or haloing.
Topaz DeNoise offers a complete noise reduction solution that removes far more noise and preserves far more detail than other solutions. Noise reduction is one of our core competencies, and DeNoise displays that brilliantly. Use state-of-the-art noise reduction abilities to make your formerly noisy photos clean, clear, and crisp.
Topaz ReMask is the fastest way to mask and extract your images. ReMask harnesses the latest in image extraction technology to make masking intuitive and powerful. Unlike Photoshop's sometimes clumsy and hard to use extraction tools, Topaz ReMask makes photo extraction and masking easy and sizzling fast. Topaz ReMask - Lightning Fast Extractions and Masks

Topaz InFocus is the comprehensive solution for your sharpening and deblurring needs. Infocus recovers lost detail, refines with micro-contrast enhancement and restores clarity to blurry images. Unlike unsharp masking, Topaz InFocus sharpens without distracting high-contrast edges.
Topaz Clean provides unique smoothing and edge stylizing capabilities not found anywhere else. It can quickly add interesting flair to photos and can be used to both smooth out detail and stylize edges. Use Topaz Clean for exceptional results on portraits, weddings, and other people photos. Topaz Clean - Edge and Texture Control

Topaz DeJPEG drastically improves the quality of web images and other compressed photos. Although Photoshop includes a simple JPEG fixer, it doesn't preserve as much quality as possible. Topaz DeJPEG makes sure that any compressed image looks as good as it possibly can.
Topaz Labs Plug-In Bundle For Photoshop


Topaz Labs Plug-In Bundle For Photoshop bundle for labs photoshop plug-in topaz


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bundle, for, labs, photoshop, plug-in, topaz

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