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قديم 13 - 01 - 2011, 19:07
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build 08.12.2010

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build 08.12.2010

Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build 08.12.2010
Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build 08.12.2010 | 198 Mb

Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 - bootable CD containing the scanner Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Boot with the disk Kaspersky Rescue Disk, to detect and remove the infected computer malware and other threats without the risk of infecting other files and computers.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk allows you to more effectively cope with the virus, as this disc does not require loading Windows, and therefore malicious programs will be inactive.

The procedure for downloading Kaspersky Rescue Disk:
1) Download the distribution and verify the checksum Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build 08.12.2010.iso
2) Make a note of this boot image to CD
3) Include in BIOS to boot from CD / DVD-ROM
4) Put the CD to burn the image Kaspersky Rescue Disk Build 08.12.2010.iso
5) Restart your computer

للتحميل البرنامج
أضغط هنـــــــا

Download Kaspersky Rescue Disk iso

Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10>0>23>29 Build 08>12>2010 build disk kaspersky rescue


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08.12.2010,, build, disk, kaspersky, rescue

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