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قديم 09 - 01 - 2011, 23:15
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Illust Studio v1.2 Final

Illust Studio v1.2 Final
Illust Studio v1.2 Final Pre-Cracked

IllustStudio is an illustration creation tool which is responsive to the needs of a wide range of users from beginners to professionals. It focuses on providing comfort when drawing illustrations by providing Pen Tools which maximize performance of pen tablets and expressive Brush Tools. Users can choose which pens they want to use from 12 different pen types, such as G pen, round pen and so on. IllustStudio can express natural and smooth pen strokes with Celsys original technology, "Vector Map Technology" and pen pressure functions. Even though users may change image resolutions and scale images, IllustStudio can maintain its line quality by responding to the vector format. In addition, it has various expressive Brush Tools, such as Water Color Tools are capable of sensitive color changes, Air Brushes, and Fude Pens. User Interface is customizable, depending on user's work style

Paint Tool
Users can paint effectively with "Referring Layer Function" which refers to layers, such as sketch layers, and "Clipping Folder Function"- painting while hiding areas off pointed areas

Contour Line Tool
Users can easily shade illustrations by painting areas enclosed by colored lines with gentle gradations. As a result, they can produce dimensional figures

Various Brush Tools
llustStudio supports user's illustration workflow with "Pen Tool" realizing natural pen strokes and "Brush Tools" enabling various expressions. By using "Pattern Brush Tools", users can express symbols and patterns with one stroke

Ruler Tools
IllustStudio has a "Perspective Ruler" allowing users to draw perspective backgrounds and a "Radial Line Ruler" suitable for action images and designs

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Illust Studio v1>2 Final final illust studio


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final, illust, studio, v1.2

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الساعة الآن 17:58.

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