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قديم 08 - 01 - 2011, 00:40
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي PixelGenius PhotoKit Plugin v1.2

PixelGenius PhotoKit Plugin v1.2 for Adobe Photoshop

PixelGenius PhotoKit Plugin v1.2

Other products may provide useful sharpening tools, but only PhotoKit Sharpener provides a complete image “Sharpening Workflowâ€‌. From capture to output, PhotoKit Sharpener intelligently produces the optimum sharpness on any image, from any source, reproduced on any output device. But PhotoKit Sharpener also provides the creative controls to address the requirements of individual images and the individual tastes of users.

Home Page: PixelGenius, Photoshop Plug-in Developer, Developer of PhotoKit plug-ins, PhotoKit, PhotoKit Sharpener, PhotoKit Color, PhotoKit-EL

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photokit, pixelgenius, plugin, v1.2

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برنامج ID Internet Optimizer v1.2 يزيد من سرعة الأنترنت البرق قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 4 19 - 06 - 2010 20:26

الساعة الآن 21:16.

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