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قديم 07 - 01 - 2011, 03:23
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي BlazBlue Continuum Shift (ENG/Repack)

BlazBlue Continuum Shift (ENG/Repack)
Platform: PC | Developer: Arc System Works | Publisher: Aksys Games | Size: 1.27 GB
Genre: arcade, fighting

Haven't yet otgremet fanfare-awaited Street Fighter IV, as the stores there's a new contender for the title of "best fighting all the time" BlazBlue. Most gaming Edition game dubbed as "the most poignant and insightful fighting since the Guilty Gear.
Whoever doubted because driving project as Arc System Works. BlazBlue is a kind of "Crown of creation", combining the best features of its predecessor. The game is amazing diversity and beauty tricks performed until the full disclosure of all depth of "everything else" will take place, but on joy of fans will further drive with amazing music Daisuke Ishiwatari. No psevdorealizme like Tekken or Virtua Fighters is not going to talk: artists offer us new fantastic world inhabited by magical creatures, unlike anything seen previously, the world of flying Islands and magic, at the same time as the main driving force of the universe and that is capable of destroying vmig.

Features: BlazBlue: Continium Shift is a continuation of the games BlazBlue: Calamity triger to emerge in 2008 and year 2009go arcade on the PlayStation3 and Xbox360. The same goes for PC 19 March 2010. BlazBlue: Continium Shift that is available on your computer is stolen locktest version (Dated 22 October). It is almost the same as played today in Japan and the United States at the arcade. As this arcade version-it almost no additional modes except Arcade, VS 2 p. game feels bad for normal PC due to its similarity with arhetektry

This version does not have there with running and configured, packaged in installer and run from the icon fix game.exe now settings will be stored in a folder with the game (thanks to paul-met).

************************************************** **********
u should install this programs to play the game without problams

AGEIA phyx V7.11.13
************************************************** **********
PhysX 9 10 0129 System Software
************************************************** **********

BlazBlue Continuum Shift (ENG/Repack)
BlazBlue Continuum Shift (ENG/Repack)
BlazBlue Continuum Shift (ENG/Repack)


BlazBlue Continuum Shift (ENGLRepack) (engLrepack) blazblue continuum shift


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(eng/repack), blazblue, continuum, shift

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120 سر من اسرااار الكيبوورد نجمة المشرق قسم الكمبيوتر والانترنت 8 10 - 09 - 2008 02:10
اقدم لكم بعض اسرار وخبايا clavier ستفيدكم كثيرا سارعوا بالدخول youcef14 قسم الكمبيوتر والانترنت 0 17 - 09 - 2007 16:17
][§¤°~^™ تعلم اســــــــــــرار الكيبورد ™^~°¤§][ البرق قسم الكمبيوتر والانترنت 10 20 - 05 - 2007 11:08
(( تعلم كيف تكتب الفتحه والكسرة والضمة على الكلمات وبعض الرموز الاخرى )) الجرئ2006 قسم الكمبيوتر والانترنت 11 18 - 05 - 2007 19:28

الساعة الآن 18:23.


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