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قديم 05 - 01 - 2011, 14:00
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي MDK Dilogy

MDK Dilogy

Language: English | PC | Developer: BioWare Corporation | Publisher: Interplay Entertainment | 254 Mb
Genres: Action (Shooter) / Adventure / Arcade

This game revolutionized the genre آ«3D action." Gamers, day and night never sleeps over آ«Doomآ», آ«Quakeآ», آ«Dukeآ», with interest met this toy, although it can not be unambiguously attributed to the genre آ«3D actionآ»: it's so unusual and not standard. Starting to play it, suddenly realize that he was in an unknown, a fantasy world!

First of all, the game draws graphics. Movement of the main character is very flexible and natural. The robots have a complex structure and not just move and shoot, but chips are different tricks. The game has all the detail, even the sky. At all levels there are amazing facilities: rooms, consisting of bright geometric details, corridors, iridescent some cosmic flowers ...

In آ«MDKآ» you will not only run, jump and fly, but the miracles of agility, climbing on all kinds of planes and projections. All of this is the main character is doing with surprising ease, and even grace.
Sometimes you have to smash his head, solving any puzzle, but not for long: complex solutions from you, no one needs. Accuracy, agility and intelligence - that is all you need.

Pleasing and sound effects. Music fits well into the content game. Sound effects are not tiring, but rather give the game a special flavor. Each musical theme corresponds to what is happening on the screen: you're rushing to monolyzhe or fly into the air stream, defeat the enemy or die - everything dynamically.

The game is the mass of clues. Funny caption to accompany the emergence of inventory, time and again will make you smile.

MDK Dilogy
MDK Dilogy

System requirements:
- System: Windows
- Processor: Pentium 200
- Memory: 16 MB
- Video Card: 4 MB
- Sound Card: DirectX compatible

Features RePacka:
- Do not cut
- "Old School" installer
- 2 pieces of "legendary" game
- Voiced
- MDK - Russian subtitles from GSC Game World
- MDK 2 - Russian subtitles from Fargus
- Installation time ~ 2-10 minute (s)
- RePack by t1coon


MDK Dilogy dilogy mdk


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لعبة الرعب والقتال الرهيبة Dilogy Manhunt Full walidmca قسم الألعاب الإلكترونية 0 20 - 10 - 2010 01:22

الساعة الآن 18:36.


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