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قديم 26 - 12 - 2010, 18:41
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي BricsCad Platinium Portable

BricsCad Platinium Portable

BricsCad - a great choice for architects, engineers, designers and for everyone who creates or uses CAD drawings. BricsCad provides unrivaled compatibility with Autodesk AutoCad, and also makes possible the use of hundreds of programs developed by third-party firms. Anyone who is familiar with Autocad, could immediately start working with BricsCad, without any training. Convenient features a visual user interface features, as well as support files, Autocad custom menus, toolbars, scripts, photos.

Compatibility DWG:
- Native support for DWG format 2007;
- Menus and Toolbars CUI;
- Enhanced support for raster images;
- Data Manager users;
- New kernel LISP;
- Full support of SDS;
- New COM API;
- Support for Object ARX.

- Powerful Explorer;
- Join the properties panel;
- Joint Manager settings;
- Customize dialog and editor;
- Full ACIS solid modeling in 3D;
- Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

New features:
Objects such as box, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus, wedge, available together with the operations of extrusion, rotation, and unfolding. Combining this with Boolean operations - union, subtraction, intersection - a user can create a set of complex solid shapes.
- X-Solids preserves the history of the creation of solids, as well as provides parametric editing of solids at any time. Any parametric object can be easily changed.
- X-Tools and quick drawing to create a complex set of solid forms and automatically creates and places a two-dimensional objects for creating projections and detalirovochnyh drawings, using up to 10 species.
- X-Hardware-enhanced three-dimensional library contains a variety of parametric objects - nuts, bolts, screws, pins and many more that are created and changed in seconds.
- The core of ACIS quickly performs a solid modeling and precise removal of hidden lines.

Please say thanks if you like my post

BricsCad Platinium 11>2>5>20990 Portable bricscad platinium portable


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قديم 27 - 12 - 2010, 01:54   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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tobaflow is on a distinguished road
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الساعة الآن 18:13.

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