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قديم 25 - 12 - 2010, 15:00
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda v1.1.11 (2010)

A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda v1.1.11 (2010)

A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda v1.1.11 (2010/ENG/FULL)
Language: English | PC | Developer: Extend Studio | Publisher: Origo Games | 188 MB
Genre: Platformer

A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda is the first chapter in a full featured episodic hardcore action packed side scrolling platformer, in the traditions of retro classics, where you play as Ares, a combat robot created for the sole purpose of saving humanity. Can you live up to the task or will you be reduced to nuts and bolts?

You are Ares, the first Zytron immune robot. A symbol of how far human technology has come, you are the most advanced robot in existence; built to run faster, jump higher, and fire quicker. In addition to these core attributes, your design includes a system for converting spare parts and resources into valuable items, armor, and weaponry. You will need to use everything at your disposal in order to reach and rescue the survivors aboard the Zytron infected space station. You are the ultimate weapon with the ultimate sidekick – Valkyl, a military-support satellite. Order her to use her Zypher cannon, and then watch as lasers beam down from the sky!

Come face to face with colossal opponents, finding creative solutions to defeat them in battle. Destroy enemies, collect their parts, and then recycle them to make incredible items, including health packs, ammo, and weapon upgrades. Play through various ************************s in the A.R.E.S. universe, each a beautiful, unique, 3D environment.

A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda v1.1.11 (2010)
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda v1.1.11 (2010)
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda v1.1.11 (2010)

- Play through various ************************s in the A.R.E.S. universe, each a beautiful, unique, 3D environment with challenging obstacles.
- You are the ultimate weapon with the ultimate sidekick – Collect the secret items and get power up to become a perfect weapon.
- Come face to face with colossal opponents, learn their patterns to defeat them in battle.
- Destroy enemies, collect their parts, and then recycle them to make incredible items, including health packs, ammo, and weapon upgrades.

System requirements:
- Windows XP/Vista/7
- DirectX 9c
- 2 GHz
- 1 GB RAM


A>R>E>S>: Extinction Agenda v1>1>11 (2010) a>r>e>s>: agenda extinction


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(2010), a.r.e.s.:, agenda, extinction, v1.1.11

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