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قديم 19 - 12 - 2010, 15:40
mno_shosha غير متصل
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mno_shosha is on a distinguished road
افتراضي البرنامج الغنى عن التعريف Acronis True Image Home 2011 لسحب نسخة احتياطية للهارد

Acronis True Image Home 2011

البرنامج الغنى التعريف Acronis True Image Home 2011
البرنامج الغنى التعريف Acronis True Image Home 2011

Acronis True Image Home 2011 | 159.31 Mb

برنامج ممتاز فى مجالة حيث يمكنك اخد نسخة احتياطية من القرص الصلب واسترجاعها فى اى وقت وبسهولة تامة وفى دقائق معدودة يتميز البرنامج بواجهتة الغير معقدة مما يسهل على المبتدئين استخدامة ، برنامج مهم بلا شك يستحق التحميل والتجربة ...

Acronis True Image Home 2011 allows you to backup and restore data to a gesture of disk, including operating system, applications and all user documents: pictures, videos, emails, etc. Effectiveness of the program Acronis True Image Home 2010 is confirmed by many prestigious awards, which is not surprising - the product not only protects your files, but also allows them to recover after a virus attack, hardware and other failures with just one click. Create an exact copy of a hard disk for a few minutes, or back up critical data and recover them even faster.

Key features:
• Protecting a single click
• Full-text search
• Support for ZIP format
• The program's interface in the style of Windows Vista ®
• Start a backup when an external media
• Automatic computer shutdown
• Enhanced conservation of archives
• Duplication of backups
• Consolidation of backup
• Exclude files
• Cloning a disk and the transition to new hardware
• Protecting confidential information

Key Technologies:
• Manager Startup Repair
• Allows you to start the recovery process even if the system does not boot. Just press F11, and Acronis True Image will automatically recover your computer.
• Exclude files
• Save disk space by backing up only the necessary files.
• Incremental and differential images
• allows to significantly accelerate backups by storing only the changes made to the system since the last backup.
• Backing up in the background
• The process of creating a backup does not interfere with the users.
• Smart Scheduling
• Allows you to automatically run a backup on the offensive certain period of time, as well as various system events or conditions, such as zagruzkavyklyuchenie computer vhodvyhod user, his activity or inactivity, etc.
• Backing up on a "set it and forget"
• Suffice it once to configure the backup settings to further relevant files with valuable information or complete a hard disk created automatically.
• Acronis Secure Zone
• A special section, the system is not available in normal mode, can be used to store the hard disk image and restore in case of failures.

OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Language: English
License: Crack
Size: 159.31 Mb

البرنامج الغنى التعريف Acronis True Image Home 2011

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2011, للهارد, acronis, لسحب, البرنامج, التعريف, الغنى, احتياطية, home, image, true, وصية

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