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قديم 17 - 12 - 2010, 05:19
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي CivCity Rome (Rip)

CivCity Rome (Rip)
PC game | Genre: Historic City-Building | 272 MB

In CivCity: Rome, gamers will recreate the glory of Rome by building a small settlement into a mighty imperial city. Features hundreds of buildings including gladiatorial schools, amphitheatres, the circus maximus, legionnaire forts, weapons workshops and much more.

Game features:

* Look inside the buildings - For the first time in a city builder you can look inside the Villas, the forums, and even the Roman baths! Discover, in much greater detail, how Romans went about their daily lives.
* Civilize your city - More than 70 technologies can be developed over time to give your city a strategic advantage. Use the rich research tree to improve many aspects of your city and its relation to the wider empire.
* Follow the life of a Roman family - Do they thrive and prosper from humble hut to noble palace as they move through the generations… or not? Well, that's your call!
* Ease of play - Driven purely by building placement and strong visual feedback, the game lets you create your own living community simply by choosing and placing the wide variety of buildings.
* Real Romans - An intriguing array of characters will interact with you and bring high drama to your city with their emotions, state of health, and candid feelings about the city. There will even be famous Romans in the city who will comment on and present new challenges for you.

CivCity Rome (Rip)
CivCity Rome (Rip)
CivCity Rome (Rip)

Install Notes:
* Unrar
* Run 'setup.bat'
* Start game with 'CivCity Rome.exe'

Please say thanks if you like my post

CivCity Rome (Rip) (rip) civcity rome


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(rip), civcity, rome

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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
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الساعة الآن 00:48.


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