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قديم 28 - 11 - 2010, 20:40
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي SONY Sound Forge Pro 10.0c Build 491

SONY Sound Forge Pro 10.0c Build 491

Sound Forge Pro 10 software efficiently and reliably provides audio editors and producers complete control over all aspects of audio editing and mastering. Whether in the studio or field, it's the ultimate all-in-one production suite for professional audio recording and mastering, sound design, audio restoration, and Red Book CD creation. New features in Sound Forge Pro 10 include precise event-based editing, integrated disc-at-once CD burning, musical instrument file processing, and pristine audio conversion and time stretching.

- Supports 24-bit and 32-bit/64-bit float 192 kHz files
- Edit mono, stereo, and multichannel audio files (up to 32 channels)
- Over 20 real-time DirectX plug-ins
- Multichannel file editing and processing
- Real-time editing and processing
- Automated time-based recording
- ASIO driver support
- Customizable keyboard mapping
- DirectX audio plug-in support
- VST audio effect support
- Video and AVI support
- Unlimited undo/redo levels
- Drag-and-drop editing between channels
- Integrated disc-at-once CD burning
- Full support for 4GB + files
- And much, much more...

New features:
- New customizable window layouts
- New default fade types
- New tabbed user interface
- New performance optimizations
- New event-based editing
- New musical instrument file processing
- New metadata windows
- Enhanced Broadcast Wave Format (.bwf) support
- New filters and DirectX plug-ins
- Integrated disc-at-once CD burning

- New! Includes Mastering Effects Bundle 2 powered by iZotope
- New! Zplane أ©lastique Pro timestretch and pitch shift DirectXآ® plug-in
- New! Resonant Filter plug-in
- VST plug-in effect support
- DirectXآ® plug-in effects automation
- DirectX Plug-in Manager
- Real-time effects previewing
- Modeless audio Plug-In Chainer
- Wet/dry mix and crossfade options
- Acoustic Mirror environment simulator
- Amplitude Modulation
- Chorus
- Distortion
- Delay/Echo (Simple and Multi-Tap)
- Graphic Dynamics
- Multi-Band Dynamics
- Envelope
- Flange/Wah-Wah/Phaser
- Gapper/Snipper
- Noise Gate
- Pitch Bend/Shift
- Reverb
- Vibrato
- Wave Hammer Compressor/Volume Maximizer

Notable fixes/changes in Version 10.0c
- Fixed a bug that could cause the spectrum graph to be displayed incorrectly in the Spectrum Analysis window.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when an in-use file was modified outside of Sound Forge 10.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging a selection to the workspace to create a new file.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a sample via SDMI.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Sound Forge to hang or crash when using the Batch Converter script on a large number of files.
- Fixed a bug that could delay plug-in parameters from being updated in real time during looped playback.
- Fixed a bug that caused a Find operation to change the active editing tool.
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from editing the Selection Start, Selection End, and Selection Length boxes on a data window when using SMPTE Drop time.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the SMPTE: Play at Time trigger in the Playlist from working.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent Sound Forge from removing temporary files, incorrectly displaying the Crash Recovery dialog the next time you start the application.


SONY Sound Forge Pro 10>0c Build 491


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