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قديم 21 - 11 - 2010, 03:57
farfor767 غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

farfor767 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي VSO Blindwrite Multilangual

VSO Blindwrite Multilangual

Copy games and backup all your disks!
* Create 1:1 copies of all your media
* Backup your video games and non protected CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray disks
* Easy to use interface, one-click and go

In one click, you can copy and burn the contents of your game/CD/DVD/ Blu-ray to your hard drive or to another CD/DVD/Blu-ray. BlindWrite extracts all the characteristics of your media to your hard drive or directly to a blank disk to make an exact copy of the original. It is the best tool to protect your investments against damage caused by children, scratches or by frequent use.

Choose from the various different profiles for the type of disk you are backing up: automatic, audio cd, audio cd+g (audio+data), bad sectors (auto detect sectors marked as bad), ISO image, nosplit, nibble.
Define the default read and write speeds. Make 1:1 copies of movies by running AnyDVD in the background and copy your personal CD/DVD and Blu-ray collection.
*Blindwrite does not strip or compress files.

Supported formats
Blindwrite supports a large number of formats including: CloneCD (.CCD), Iso images (.ISO), Cuesheet/Binary (.CUE/.BIN), Alcohol (.MDS).
*No support for Wii, Xbox and Playstation (depending on hardwares configuration) games.
Tip: CD/DVD or Blu-ray backups can be run directly from your computer using a virtual drive (i.e. Daemon Tools)!


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VSO Blindwrite 6>3>1>7d Multilangual


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حصريا نسخة محمولة تعمل بدون تنصيب من برنامج النسخ Portable BlindWrite واجهة عربيــة alsaaamy قسم البرامج , برامج مجانية 3 09 - 10 - 2010 03:22

الساعة الآن 19:55.

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