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قديم 18 - 11 - 2010, 06:36
tarektop غير متصل

tarektop is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج استديو الجمال والميك آب Beauty Studio

برنامج استديو الجمال والميك آب Beauty Studio - Make Up Styler 4
برنامج استديو الجمال والميك Beauty Studio

Beauty Studio Make Up Styler 4 | 188.10 MB

Make Up Styler 4 helps you to find the best suitable make-up for every occasion. You don't need to spend hours with your mirror trying out different colours and forms. A lipstick, eyeshades, mascara, blush and much more can be applied and removed in just one mouse click. All colours of the rainbow and all nuances are available for you without having to purchase the whole make-up range of the next drugstore. With Make Up Styler 4 you can find out, which make-up suit you, without buying it.

The beauty recommendations of Make Up Styler 4 suggest you the best suitable colours and application methods for your face. Ready looks, simple or outstanding, let you change your complete appearance in one click. All looks, created by your own or ready ones, can be saved in a favourites gallery. And as soon as you are happy with your new look, print it out and realize it!

And if you are looking for a completely new image or just want to try out a new hairstyle, the further titles of the Beauty Studio 4 line help you. A new hairstyle with Hair Master 4, a new style with Style Advisor 4, a perfect party look with Party Styler 4, and all these titles can be integrated with Make Up Styler 4, so that you can use all your ready looks and new functionality in the same program.

New in Make Up Styler 4:
- Apply make up in just one click
- Lipstick, eyeshades, mascara, blush and much more
- Predefined colours, free colour selection from the Windows palette, create own colours
- Ready looks for different occasions
- Load photo from a file, scan it or load from the camera
- Automatical face recognition
- Individual recommendations for suitable make up
- Further programs of the Beauty Studio 4 line can be integrated into Make Up Styler 4 - all functions and looks in one program


fvkhl[ hsj]d, hg[lhg ,hgld; Nf Beauty Studio


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