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قديم 21 - 09 - 2010, 20:21
walidmca غير متصل

walidmca is on a distinguished road
افتراضي البرنامج العملاق Drive SnapShot v1.40.0.15194 في آخر نسخة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اسم البرنامج

Drive SnapShot v1.40.0.15194

صورة للبرنامج


تعريف البرنامج

SnapShot is disk imaging software that enables the user to back up, restore and view backed up hard disk data, easily and safely. Snapshot Backup is aimed at the backup/disaster recovery market. There is little use for on the fly disk image creation, if you want to deploy hundreds or thousands of workstations. We think however, that the possibility to do on the fly backup is very important for the end user to regularly protect his data. At least, this was our reason to create Snapshot. No need to shut down and boot from floppy, no need to create network disks, and no need to wait half an hour for the backup process - we think that's nice. Snapshot View is a very easy and powerful method to explore disk images. This technique could be easily adapted to disk images created by other disk imaging programs.

Main features:
» Create Disk Image Backups, While Running Windows
» Continue your work, while the Backup is in progress
» Easy Use and Restore of single Files or directories
» Complete Restore of a disk in case of Disaster
» Compatible with all Windows file systems (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS)
» Compatible with all Windows RAID Methods
» Very easy and comprehensive command line interface

حجم البرنامج

1.76 ميجا


اضغط هنا

hgfvkhl[ hgulghr Drive SnapShot v1>40>0>15194 td Nov ksom


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الساعة الآن 20:35.

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