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قديم 16 - 09 - 2010, 18:20
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up برنامج عرض احوال الطقس في الوقت الحقيقي مباشرة Weather Watcher Live 7.0.29

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برنامج عرض احوال الطقس في الوقت الحقيقي مباشرة

Weather Watcher Live 7.0.29

برنامج عرض احوال الطقس الوقت الحقيقي مباشرة Weather

Automatically retrieve the current conditions, hourly forecast, daily forecast, detailed forecast, severe weather *****s, and weather maps for over 77,000 cities world-wide. The current conditions can be quickly viewed by holding your mouse pointer over the Weather Watcher system tray icon. Weather Watcher will allow you to automatically retrieve your weather data at a set interval, display the current temperature in a customized tray icon, display the current condition image in a tray icon, designate which weather information is displayed in the Weather Watcher system tray tooltip, convert the weather data using almost any conversion, display a weather map as your desktop wallpaper, log the weather data in any format, export the weather data in any format, customize the look of the Weather Watcher interface and icons via skins, and much more. Top Features:
- See What's Ahead
Extensive daily & hourly forecasts help you plan for today and the week ahead.
- Real Time Updates
The fluid interface *******es itself in real time as new weather information is available.
- Several Weather Sources
Connect to NWS weather stations, real time WeatherBug weather stations or weather stations from the WeatherBug Backyard network.
- Timely ***** Notifications
Stay on top of weather, hydrologic and climate *****s as issued by the National Weather Service.
- Weather Maps Galore
Browse through hundreds of maps or add your own from your favorite Internet sources.
-Highly Customizable Interface
Take advantage of the many interface settings to personalize Weather Watcher Live.

More weather stations.
Weather Watcher Live can connect you to thousands of NWS, WeatherBug and Weather Underground weather stations from all across the world. You'll be able to access more weather stations and more weather data than any other single source on the Internet.

Get the whole picture.
See a complete picture of your current conditions in the main Weather Watcher Live window.

The hours go on for days.
View the upcoming hourly forecast for the next couple of days. It's easy to plan your day out when you know exactly what the weather is doing throughout the entire day.

The week ahead.
See the weather for the entire week. Is it going to rain on Wednesday? Wonder no more.

Customize to your heart's content.
Choose how often the weather updates. Convert your weather data. Choose which severe *****s to receive. Set the tray icon font and colors. Change the weather icons. Display map images as your desktop wallpaper. And much more.

Mouse over the tray icon.
Point your mouse over the temperature icon in the system tray to see a detailed, customizable view of the current conditions.

Stick images to your desktop wallpaper.
Use the Desktop Magnet feature to stick maps, weather cameras, or other images from the Internet to your desktop wallpaper. Move the magnets. Resize the magnets. Watch them change as they automatically update.

Latest Changes
FIXED: The day names in the hourly forecast were ahead one day for some weather stations.


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fvkhl[ uvq hp,hg hg'rs td hg,rj hgprdrd lfhavm Weather Watcher Live 7>0>29


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قديم 16 - 09 - 2010, 23:56   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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emy1111 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: برنامج عرض احوال الطقس في الوقت الحقيقي مباشرة Weather Watcher Live 7.0.29


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