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قديم 23 - 08 - 2010, 00:40
tarektop غير متصل

tarektop is on a distinguished road
افتراضي لعبه السيارات والسباقات Muscle Car 3 v1.0

لعبه السيارات والسباقات Muscle Car 3 v1.0

لعبه السيارات والسباقات Muscle Car v1.0

Muscle Car 3 v1.0 | 177 MB

Muscle Car 3 is the third classic American dream car experience for your PC. You are an amateur racing enthusiast with a mean 4 wheeled monster and a lead foot. Your dream is to one day make it through the rank and file of amateur racing, and become a champion. Take your car to the tracks and see if you have what it takes.

لعبه السيارات والسباقات Muscle Car v1.0

Game features:
4 different modes to play: quick race, ghost race, cop chase and career
26 great muscle cars to choose from and modify to your hearts content
high quality 3d environments featuring the amazing renderware engine
race on tracks around the world from rome to chicago to bangkok
choose to be a cop racing through the streets ticketing speed demons
36 different races to test your abilities in

Run setupreg.exe
Start game with "MC3.exe" from ...Muscle Car 3\System

لعبه السيارات والسباقات Muscle Car v1.0

System requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
800 MHz
256 MB RAM

أتمنى اشوف ردودكم الجميلة والمشجعة

للتحميل من هنا

gufi hgsdhvhj ,hgsfhrhj Muscle Car 3 v1>0


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الساعة الآن 20:52.


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