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قديم 19 - 08 - 2010, 17:24
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
افتراضي برنامج AnyBizSoft PDF to Excel Converter تحويل ملفات ال PDF الي Excel

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AnyBizSoft PDF to Excel Converter

تحويل ملفات ال PDF الي Excel

برنامج AnyBizSoft PDF Excel Converter تحويل ملفات

nyBizSoft PDF to Excel Converter is a practical conversion tool to help you convert PDF files to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets. With the accurate preservation, there's no need to retype or reformat the converted spreadsheets, and you can fix the errors, perform calculations, re-organize the sheets and modify data in the output Excel spreadsheets. Editing PDF tables becomes so easy! Supported Formats
* Support exporting Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Excel 2007 or Excel 2010
* Support importing Adobe PDF 1.0—1.7 formats
* Support encrypted PDF files conversion

2 options to convert PDF to Excel accurately and flexibly
* Retain value without formatting: This is the default option. It saves all the original text, numbers in PDF tables to Excel cells after converting PDF to Excel, without preserving the original formatting
* Retain original formatting of forms: This option allows you to preserve text, numbers and formatting in the original PDF file. This option is not suitable for some un-regular PDF tables, as there might be some positioning error that may affect the usual calculation after conversion

3 Efficient Conversion modes
* Batch conversion---Convert 200 PDF files at one time
* Partial conversion---Select any pages from the PDF file to convert
* Right-click conversion---Right-click on a PDF file and select Convert with AnyBizSoft PDF to Excel, you can convert it into an Excel spreadsheet without launching the program

* Standalone, doesn't need Adobe Reader or Acrobat to be installed
* Convert all the pages or selected pages of a PDF file to an Excel spreadsheet, each page is a separate worksheet in the spreadsheet
* Extremely easy to use, click to view 1-2-3 conversion steps>>
* User-friendly interface
* Support PDF files in 10 languages: English, Turkish, Thai, Latin, Korean, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese

طبعا مش محتاج تعليق

ملخص عن البرنامج

يدعم اللغة العربية و يحول جميع ملفات الPDF الي جميع نسخ مايكروسفت سواء

2003 او 2007 او 2010


من هنا

ضع رد ليكتمل التحميل


fvkhl[ AnyBizSoft PDF to Excel Converter 2>0>0>7 jp,dg lgthj hg hgd


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قديم 28 - 08 - 2010, 12:27   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

ronaldo2512 is on a distinguished road
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