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قديم 08 - 08 - 2010, 02:07
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افتراضي البرنامج العملاق Corel Digital Studio للتعديل على الصور و الافلام و الكثير من المميزات


Corel Digital Studio

البرنامج العملاق Corel Digital Studio للتعديل على

برنامج رهيب من اقوى برامج التعديل على الصور و الفيديو و ملفات الميديا الجديد الآن يمكنك تنظيم وتحرير وإنشاء ودعم ومشاركة جميع ذكرياتك في مكان واحد أسرع وأسهل ومع النتائج مدهشة حقا. يقوم البرنامج بعمل الاتي : تنظيم وعرض جميع الصور ومقاطع الفيديو والموسيقى في مكان واحد , تحرير الصور في نقرة واحدة أو استكشاف المزيد من الأدوات لتعزيز الصور إلى أبعد من ذلك , إنشاء الكتب المصورة المدهشة ، عرض الشرائح الصورة ، والتقويمات ، واكثر في دقائق , كما يقوم بحرق اسطوانات الدي في دي و غيرها .

Corel Digital Studio 2010 - photo editing and movie making software in one simple multimedia suite. For the first time on the PC, Corel® Digital Studio™ 2010 brings photo editing, movie making, DVD/AVCHD™ burning, creative projects and easy sharing software together, with one common look and feel that makes your digital experience simple. Now you can organize, edit, create, back up and share all your memories in one place - faster, easier and with truly amazing results . Organize all your digital media in one place, effortlessly edit photos, burn music and turn your video clips into movies in just minutes. Got the latest technologies? Digital Studio also supports HD video and Windows® 7. The best part is sharing your memories with the people you care about—on popular websites like Facebook™, Flickr and YouTube™, on professional-quality CDs, DVDs or high-definition AVCHDs, and on your favorite mobile device, including iPod®, iPhone® and PSP®. It's your story to tell, so make it unforgettable with Corel Digital Studio 2010. Taking a revolutionary approach to photo editing and movie making software, this new multimedia software gives you all the applications you need in one box. And they all work together.

Included Programs :
Corel® PaintShop Photo™ Express 2010

Photo editing and photo projects made easy
* Organize and view all your photos, videos and music in one place
* Edit photos in one click or explore More Tools to enhance pictures even further
* Create stunning photo books, photo slideshows, calendars and more in minutes
* Share photos by email, print, DVD, Flickr™, Facebook™, iPod®, iPhone® and more

Corel® VideoStudio® Express 2010
Video editing and movie making made easy
* Organize and view all your videos, photos and music in one place
* Start making movies instantly with professional movie templates
* Quickly add fun openings, titles, transitions, music and credits
* Easily fix common problems, like bad lighting or shaky video
* Edit, burn and share your HD video
* Make DVDs and CDs, upload directly to your YouTube account or convert video to iPod®, iPhone®, PSP® and other mobile devices

Corel® WinDVD® 2010

Superior DVD playback made easy
* Get the world's number one DVD player software
* Play movies in standard or high definition
* Bring the cinema experience home with Dolby® Digital Surround Sound
* Watch DVD-Video, QuickTime®, Windows Media®, M2T and M2TS formats
* Bookmark your favorite scenes so you can pick up where you left off

Corel® DVD Factory™ 2010
DVD burning and converting made easy
* Organize and view all your videos, photos and music in one place
* Back up photos, videos and music on DVD or CD for safekeeping
* Add professional-looking DVD and AVCHD menus to your movies for easy browsing
* Convert video to iPod, iPhone, PSP or other mobile devices



Size : 885

حمل الكيجن من هنا :

Rapishare - MegaUpload - Ifile.it
Zshare - Badongo - SendSpace

HotFile - DepositFiles

مقسم الى 5 اجزاء كل جزء 200 ميجا معادا الاخير 85 ميجا .

























One Link :


hgfvkhl[ hgulghr Corel Digital Studio 1>5>0>227 ggju]dg ugn hgw,v , hghtghl hg;edv lk hglld.hj


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