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قديم 04 - 06 - 2010, 21:54
الصورة الرمزية Gamer man
Gamer man غير متصل

Gamer man is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Bigasoft PSP Video Converter


Bigasoft PSP Video Converter | 7.5 Mb

Designed to enhance your ultimate high-definition experience on the go, Bigasoft PSP Video Converter can easily and fast convert all popular video formats (AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, MKV, H.264, DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, etc.) to PSP, PS3 video format MP4 (MPEG-4, H.264) with excellent HD video quality for having fun wherever you are. Furthermore, the PSP mp4 converter can also convert audio files (WMA, MP2, OGG, RA, AC3, APE, CDA, etc.) to PSP audio MP3, WMA, WAV, and M4A for listening to your favorite soundtracks and music to give relief to your mind.

Key Features
1. Design for PSP fans
* The PSP movie converter is special designed for PSP movie fans to enhance your ultimate high-definition experience on the go. It provides several default PSP video profiles for different output video size and resolution.
2. Convert video to PSP
* The video to PSP converter can easily and fast convert all popular video formats (AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, MKV, H.264, DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, etc.) to PSP, PS3 video format MP4 (MPEG-4, H.264) with excellent HD video quality for having fun wherever you are. Meanwhile, you can also convert AVI to PSP, WMV to PSP, and MPEG to PSP using the PSP video conversion tool.
3. Support all PSP types
* Convert all kinds of movies to PSP videos which can be watch on all types of Sony PSP, PS3.
4. Support video clip

Download link:


Mirror link:

Mirror link:

Mirror link:

Mirror link:
http://turbobit.net/pv3c1ity0ils.html Bigasoft_PSP_Video_Converter.rar

Mirror link:

Bigasoft PSP Video Converter 2>1>0>3777


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01 - 07 - 2010, 16:11   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

sun ray is on a distinguished road
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الساعة الآن 21:26.

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