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قديم 14 - 04 - 2010, 15:54
walidsamir غير متصل

walidsamir is on a distinguished road
افتراضي شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover 2.3.0320

Autorun Virus Remover 2.3.0320

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover
Autorun Virus Remover 2.3.0320 | 5.44 MB
Autorun Virus Remover can detect and clean hundreds of usb/autorun viruses and it will block viruses and trojans trying to attack when USB device is inserted. Autorun Virus Remover provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB storage(USB drive?USB stick?pen drive?flash drive?flash card?secure digital card?removable storage?portable storage?ipod?media player). Compare Autorun Virus Remover with other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: Autorun Virus Remover provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover can detect and clean the usb virus/worm/trojan such as Ravmon,auto.exe in your computer or usb drive,it could solve the problem that unable to open a drive double clicking. It also removes the leftovers of virus removing the autorun***f files and cleaning up your system registry, so you won't see the autoplay item anymore.

100% protection against any malicious programs via USB storage
Autorun Virus Remover uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover is the world's best software to block threats via USB drive.
w of vulnerability left open other reactive, signature-based responses.

The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software
With Autorun Virus Remover, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare antivirus software and you'll discover that Autorun Virus Remover is far one of the smallest applications in the industry. For example, the Autorun Virus Remover installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 1 to 7 MB of RAM.
r, Autorun Virus Remover is 100% compatible with all software, including Windows Vista.

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover

5.44 MB

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الساعة الآن 18:28.

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