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قديم 12 - 04 - 2010, 01:07
حسون سبعين غير متصل

حسون سبعين is on a distinguished road
افتراضي أهم البرامج Ace Utilities v4.1.0.4052

Ace Utilities v4.1.0.4052

Posted on 03.12.2007 at 18:15 in Applications by Christian

Ace Utilities is a collection (as you can read from its name) of several utilities which can help you to optimize your system. For example search and delete junk & unused files on your HDD(s), search and delete-repair bad registry entries, find duplicate files, erase browsing history and so on. I’m using it since version 3, and from my own experience all i can say is… It does the job! ;-)


Ace Utilities is an award winning collection of tools to optimize your PC’s performance. It allows you to find and remove the junk files in your PC, invalid registry entries, delete your internet usage history, provides plug-in support to erase the usage-history for over 200 third-party applications, manage your internet ******************s and much more. With a detailed startup-manager you can see what all programs, services, drivers, etc start automatically with Windows and optionally disable them. Furthermore, Ace Utilities also includes options to find true duplicate files, fix or remove broken shortcuts and to uninstall software completely. Other features include secure file deletion, disk space analysis, an empty-folder finder and more.


* Clean junk, temporary and obsolete files from your disks using a swift disk cleaner.
* The most advanced registry cleaner to clean the Windows registry.
* Clean browser and application history, cache, temp files, ******************s etc.
* Control the applications that start automatically with Windows using a startup manager.
* Fix broken Start Menu and Desktop shortcuts.
* Remove true duplicate files.
* Uninstall applications easily and correctly.
* Two modes – expert and normal.
* User friendly, stable and safe.
* Much more utilities…


حمل من هنــــــا
مع تحيات حسون

Hil hgfvhl[ Ace Utilities v4>1>0>4052


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الساعة الآن 19:54.

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