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قديم 30 - 03 - 2010, 21:49
karim4up غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

karim4up is on a distinguished road
افتراضي اللعبه الرائعه gta 2 كامله باصغر حجم




اللعبه كامله و على 3 لينكات مباشره بحجم 397.6MB

Grand Theft Auto 2 (abbreviated as GTA2) is a video game that was released worldwide on October 22, 1999, by developer DMA Design (now Rockstar North); initially for the Windows operating system and the PlayStation console.
GTA2 is set in an unspecified time in a metropolis referred to only as "Anywhere, USA", but the game's manual uses the phrase "three weeks into the future"; fictional journal entries on the GTA2 website suggest the year to be 2013. Radio host Johnny Riccaro mentions in the game that "the millennium's coming," which would set the game shortly before 2000. The player is a man named Claude Speed, who is freed from prison, having awakened from a cryonic sleep but experiences amnesia. The storyline shifts to his goal of becoming the "King of the City" by any means necessary.

The resolution can't be changed in game - you will have to leave it at the preset value.

Known Issues:
If you klick on Options in the main menu the game will crash, so don't do it. Controls and other settings have already been configured for you.

Please note that this game has not been tested on Macs with GMA 950 chips, but it is likely to work.

RAM minimum: 512
Video RAM: 64



hggufi hgvhzui gta 2 ;hlgi fhwyv p[l


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الساعة الآن 19:27.


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