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قديم 27 - 03 - 2010, 21:57
همسات الامل غير متصل

همسات الامل is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up برنامج لتصميم الفلاش والبنرات وعرض شرائح الفلاشAleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker v3.2

السلام عليكم

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لتصميم الفلاش والبنرات وعرض شرائح الفلاش

Aleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker



برنامج لتصميم الفلاش والبنرات وعرض شرائح الفلاش برنامج

أكثر من رائع وسهل جداً لصناعة المقدمات والبنرات الفلاشية

حتي لو لم يكن لديك الخبرة بالتصميم


Flash Intro and Banner Maker is a Flash authoring tool to help you create Flash intros, AD banners and ecards with ease. There is no need for knowledge of Flash development studio and Actionscripts, all you need is to input texts and select from premade customizable background effects and text animation effects. Create Flash intros, Flash banners, Flash Slideshows, and Flash ecards in just a few clicks!
Key features:
· Wizard style user interface, extremely easy to use;
· Customize width, height, *************** rate of Flash movie;
· Add border to Flash movie;
· Add MP3 or WAV file to Flash movie as background sound effect;
· Add preloader to Flash movie;
· Add multiple images or Flash movies to background;
· Lots of background effects to select from, all of them are customizable;
· Add multiple background effects to Flash movie;
· Set background of Flash movie as transparent, solid color, linear gradient color, radial gradient color;
· Display texts as dynamic effects one stage by one stage, or display as static texts on background;
· Unlimited stages of animated text effects;
· Unlimited lines of text effect in one stage;
· Customize font style, size, width and height scale, transparency, rotation, border of text, set fill style of text as solid color, linear gradient color and radial gradient color;
· Set different font style of texts in one line;
· Lots of text animation effects to select from, all of them are customizable;
· Set web link of texts;
· Customize timing of text effect;
· Open web page when Flash movie stops or when user clicks on Flash movie;
· Publish Movie as Flash SWF, GIF image and AVI video.
· Generate HTML code to include Flash movie in your web page.

Language: English
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7


من هنا


من هنا


fvkhl[ gjwldl hgtgha ,hgfkvhj ,uvq avhzp hgtghaAleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker v3>2


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 24 - 11 - 2010, 07:19   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

محمد العمر is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: برنامج لتصميم الفلاش والبنرات وعرض شرائح الفلاشAleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker v3.2


محمد العمر غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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