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قديم 26 - 03 - 2010, 16:34
azeaze غير متصل
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

azeaze is on a distinguished road
افتراضي تحميل اللعبة الجديدة Majesty 2 Kingmaker -SKIDROW 2010

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يسرني أن أقدم لكم اللعبة الجديدة

Majesty 2 Kingmaker 2010

تحميل اللعبة الجديدة Majesty Kingmaker -SKIDROW 2010

Release name: Majesty.2.Kingmaker-SKIDROW
Size: 270MB

ملخص اللعبة

In the world of Majesty, you are the ruler of the kingdom. At your service are your loyal and somewhat obnoxious subordinates, who have their own minds about how things should be done. In fact, Majesty is the only game where your heroes decide on their own what should be done and when, leaving you to try to control them through monetary incentives.

Majesty 2: Kingmaker will offer players the opportunity to create new magic in the land of Ardania with eight additional story missions. To restore peace to Ardania, the bravest of warriors must rise up and protect the kingdom from the terrifying green menaces of the night.

تحميل اللعبة الجديدة Majesty Kingmaker -SKIDROW 2010



jpldg hggufm hg[]d]m Majesty 2 Kingmaker -SKIDROW 2010


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الساعة الآن 22:25.


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