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قديم 10 - 03 - 2010, 22:00
الصورة الرمزية Gamer man
Gamer man غير متصل

Gamer man is on a distinguished road
افتراضي In the Diary of a 7 year old

In the Diary of a 7 year old
the Diary year old

I woke up in the middle of the night
I thought you'd be here,but there's no one in sight
I thought you'd be back,I wished I was right
I thought you wouldn't get mad over a silly fight
I thought you loved me,and my sisters too
I thought that was something you'd never do
Remember Dad, that time by the lake
You said you'd be there for us,or was it all just fake?
Was it a promise that you had to break?
Or did you leave us for someone else's sake?
That last day ,I hid your car key
Under my pillow as to slow you down,you see
But it didn't work,you were so mad
I begged you not to leave,"I love you dad"
You grabbed your bags and went without a word
My sister's tears were the last thing I heard
I thought a lot of things about you dad
But I never thought you'd make me feel this sad.
By Gamer Man

In the Diary of a 7 year old


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missing link found ابن حماس قسم اللغات والترجمة 2 20 - 06 - 2010 05:42
برنامج SMS and MMS Diary لحفظ الرسائل النصيه السلطان برامج الجوال , ايفون iphone , بلاك بيري blackberry 2 03 - 06 - 2010 19:09
Happy New Year 2010! DreamsCity قسم الصور 0 01 - 01 - 2010 16:15
أسرع برنامج لمشاهدة الرسائل و مثل الأيفون SMS , MMS Diary v1.69 جيل ثالث و خامس Samar h برامج الجوال , ايفون iphone , بلاك بيري blackberry 0 10 - 08 - 2009 02:37
Nicole Kidman English Man قسم اللغات والترجمة 0 22 - 03 - 2008 17:57

الساعة الآن 15:19.

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