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قديم 03 - 02 - 2010, 15:13
الصورة الرمزية البرق
البرق غير متصل
..:: خدمة العملاء ::..

البرق is on a distinguished road
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افتراضي norman rockwell

Norman Rockwell
(1894 - 1978)
"America's most beloved illustrator" had a record-breaking museum tour in 2000, delighting audiences and irritating snobs. He purposely painted one less Saturday Evening Post cover than his idol, JC Leyendcker, 324 and painted for the humor Life, St. Nicholas, Boys Life, Youth's Companion, Literary Digest, American Weekly and ads and poster work for Budweiser, Fisk, Crest, Interwoven, Edison, Boy Scouts, Jell-o, 20th Century Fox, RKO, and many others. No other illustrator remains in the public eye through calendars, reprints, monographs, and collectibles as does Rockwell.

Treasures (1927) Rockwell - 001
norman rockwell

PanAm, "Norman Rockwell says..." (1956) Rockwell - 002

Lime-Crush (1921) Rockwell - 003
norman rockwell
Love Song (1926) Rockwell - 004
norman rockwell

Frank Sinatra (1973) Rockwell - 005
norman rockwell

The Silhouette (1931) Rockwell - 006
norman rockwell

Saturday Evening Post: Rockwell's first cover (1916)
and the Posts' first full-color cover (1926) Rockwell - 007

norman rockwell

Wilbur the Jeep (1944) Rockwell - 008
norman rockwell

Red Cross Magazine (1920) Rockwell - 009
norman rockwell

Massachusetts Mutual (1960, 1953) Rockwell - 010
norman rockwell

Collier's (1919) Rockwell - 011
norman rockwell

Saturday Evening Post "Summer Time" (1933) Rockwell - 012
norman rockwell

Swift's Baby Food (1956) Rockwell - 013
norman rockwell

Edison Mazda Lamps (1922) Rockwell - 014
norman rockwell

Beechnut, "Worth Stopping For!" (1937) Rockwell - 015
norman rockwell

Christmas ads: Sheaffer's (1955), Plymouth (1950) Rockwell - 016
norman rockwell

Ticonderoga, "You're a lucky lad..." (1929) Rockwell - 017
norman rockwell

Dumont Television (1950) Rockwell - 018
norman rockwell

Rock of Ages (1955) Rockwell - 019
norman rockwell

Leslie's (1917) Rockwell - 020
norman rockwell

The Watchmakers of Switzerland (1953) Rockwell - 021
norman rockwell

St. Nicholas "The Ungrateful Man" (1917) Rockwell - 022
norman rockwell

Fleischmann's Yeast "Bread and Ambition" (1920) Rockwell - 023

norman rockwell


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03 - 02 - 2010, 15:29   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: مراقب سابق ::..
الصورة الرمزية ابن اليمن

ابن اليمن is on a distinguished road
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