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قديم 11 - 10 - 2009, 23:47
سندباد غير متصل
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

سندباد is on a distinguished road
افتراضي انواع معالجات انتل

انواع المعالجات الحديثة:

انتل Intel

Hyper-threading refers to a technology developed by Intel® which is incorporated into some of Intel's Pentium 4 processors.

Hyper-threading basically extends the multi-tasking capability of the processor by allowing more than one instruction thread to be processed at a time.

Most processors can only process one instruction thread at a time, with Hyper-threading this is extended to 2 threads giving a significant increase in processor performance.

For more about Hyper-threading visit Intel's website which you can find here.

Intel Socket 478

Intel Socket LGA775

Intel Pentium™ M S.478

Intel Xeon™

انواع معالجات انتل

انواع معالجات انتل

Intel Socket 478

Intel Celeron™ 1.80GHz 400FSB 128K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ 2.40GHz 400FSB 128K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ 2.60GHz 400FSB 128K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 315 2.26GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 320 2.40GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 325 2.53GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 330 2.66GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 335 2.80GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 340 2.93GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Celeron™ D 345 3.06GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 2.26GHz 533FSB 512K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 2.40GHz 533FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 2.66GHz 533FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 2.80GHz 533FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 2.80GHz 533FSB 512K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 2.80GHz HT 800FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 3.00GHz HT 800FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 3.00GHz HT 800FSB 512K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 3.20GHz HT 800FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 3.20GHz HT 800FSB 512K L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 3.40GHz HT 800FSB 1Mb L2 Cache S.478

Intel Pentium™ 4 Extreme Edition 3.20GHz HT 800FSB 2Mb L2 Cache S.478

انواع معالجات انتل

انواع معالجات انتل

Intel Socket LGA775
Socket 775 also known as Socket T and LGA 775, is Intel's latest CPU socket. LGA stands for Land Grid Array, which means that the pins are on the motherboard, not the processor. The Prescott (Pentium 4 core) is the only processor to use the LGA 775 socket type, for now. LGA 775 offers a front side bus up to 1066 MHz and the new pin type has better power distribution to the processor. D stands for Dual Core.

Intel Celeron™ D 325J 2.53GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache LGA775

Intel Celeron™ D 330J 2.66GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache LGA775

Intel Celeron™ D 335J 2.80GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache LGA775

Intel Celeron™ D 340J 2.93GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache LGA775

Intel Celeron™ D 345J 3.06GHz 533FSB 256K L2 Cache LGA775

Intel Pentium™ 4 520 2.80GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 530 3.00GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 530J 3.00GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 540J 3.20GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 550J 3.40GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 560 3.60GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 560J 3.60GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 570J 3.80GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 1Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 630 3.00GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 2Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 640 3.20GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 2Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 650 3.40GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 2Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 660 3.60GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 2Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 670 3.8GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 2Mb L2 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 Extreme Edition 3.40GHz HT 800FSB LGA775 2Mb L3 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 Extreme Edition 3.46GHz HT 1066FSB LGA775 2Mb L3 Cache

Intel Pentium™ 4 Extreme Edition 3.73GHz HT 1066FSB LGA775 2Mb L3 Cache

Intel Pentium™ D 820 Processor 2.8Ghz, 800MHz FSB, LGA775, 2x1MB Cache, Duel Core

Intel Pentium™ D 830 Processor 3.0Ghz, 800MHz FSB, LGA775, 2x1MB Cache, Duel Core

Intel Pentium™ D 840 Processor 3.2Ghz, 800MHz FSB, LGA775, 2x1MB Cache, Duel Core

Intel Pentium™ M S.478

انواع معالجات انتل

Intel Celeron™ M 1.50GHz 1Mb L2 Cache 400FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 715 1.50GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 400FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 725 1.60GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 400FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 735 1.70GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 400FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 740 1.70GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 533FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 745 1.80GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 400FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 750 1.80GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 533FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 755 2.00GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 400FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 760 2.0GHz 2MB L2 Cache 533FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 770 2.13Ghz 2Mb L2 Cache 533FSB

Intel Pentium™ M 780 2.26GHz 2MB L2 Cache 533FSB

Intel Xeon™

انواع معالجات انتل

Intel Pentium 4 Xeon™ 2.66GHz 512K 533FSB

Intel Pentium 4 Xeon™ 2.8GHz 512K 533FSB

Intel Xeon™ 2.8GHz 1Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.06GHz 1Mb L3 Cache 533FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.06GHz 512K L2 Cache 533FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.0GHz 1Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.0GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.20GHz 1Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.20GHz 1Mb L3 Cache 533FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.20GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.20GHz 2Mb L3 Cache 533FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.40GHz 1Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.40GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.60GHz 1Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ 3.60GHz 2Mb L2 Cache 800FSB S.604

Intel Xeon™ MP 2.0 GHz 1Mb L3 Cache 400FSB S.603

Intel Xeon™ MP 2.8 GHz 2Mb L3 Cache 400FSB S.603

Intel Xeon™ MP 3 GHz 4Mb L3 Cache 400FSB S.603

hk,hu luhg[hj hkjg


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12 - 10 - 2009, 18:35   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

Ahmad 300140 is on a distinguished road

مشكور اخي الغالي اللـــــه يعطيك ألـف عافيــة مشكور

Ahmad 300140 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14 - 11 - 2009, 17:56   رقم المشاركة : [3]
..:: خدمة العملاء ::..
الصورة الرمزية البرق

البرق is on a distinguished road
إرسال رسالة عبر مراسل MSN إلى البرق إرسال رسالة عبر مراسل Yahoo إلى البرق

مشكور اخي السندباد علي المشاركة

و المعلومات

البرق غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 24 - 01 - 2010, 22:06   رقم المشاركة : [4]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

angel-man79 is on a distinguished road


angel-man79 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02 - 02 - 2010, 00:23   رقم المشاركة : [5]
..:: من سكان المدينة ::..

سندباد is on a distinguished road

يسلموو علي المرور

سندباد غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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