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قديم 04 - 07 - 2009, 23:24
shady02 غير متصل

shady02 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Nulaz v0.3 لتحديد مواقع اصدقائك وارسال الرسائل

Nulaz v0.3 لتحديد مواقع اصدقائك وارسال الرسائل

مع Nulaz يمكنك أن ترى فيها مواقع أصدقائك ، وتبادل وتحديد المواقع ، وبالنظر إلى المعلومات المحلية ، وإرسال واستقبال رسائل وصور من أصدقائك كما يمكنك إرسال الرسائل عبر Nulaz مجانا.

With Nulaz you can see where your friends are, share ************************s, view local info, send and receive messages from your friends
Nulaz is a simple application for mobile phones and the Internet that enables you to see each others' ************************:

Know where you are, where your friends are and send them messages for free!

With Nulaz, friends can find each other in a crowded place, a mother can keep an eye on her kids, and you can see where all your friends are when you go clubbing.

After downloading and installing Nulaz on your mobile phone you first create an account with your information. Then you add your friends to the buddy list and share information with each other.

Now you can track each others' ************************ by mobile phone and online via Nulaz.com. Also, you can send messages via Nulaz for free.

You control your privacy! If you don't want to be seen: go undercover. Or maybe you want to blindfold specific person, whom you don't want to share your ************************ with.

You can easily set your ************************ from a list of favourite ************************s. If your phone has an internal GPS or when you have a Bluetooth GPS, your ************************ is always accurate.

شاهد أولا من هنا

التحميل >> من هنا <<

Nulaz v0>3 gjp]d] l,hru hw]rhz; ,hvshg hgvshzg


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 25 - 11 - 2009, 14:06   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

saadali is on a distinguished road


saadali غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 17 - 12 - 2009, 12:40   رقم المشاركة : [3]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

frazdq is on a distinguished road
افتراضي شكر

Nulaz v0.3 لتحديد مواقع اصدقائك وارسال الرسائل

مع Nulaz يمكنك أن ترى فيها مواقع أصدقائك ، وتبادل وتحديد المواقع ، وبالنظر إلى المعلومات المحلية ، وإرسال واستقبال رسائل وصور من أصدقائك كما يمكنك إرسال الرسائل عبر Nulaz مجانا.

With Nulaz you can see where your friends are, share ************************s, view local info, send and receive messages from your friends

Nulaz is a simple application for mobile phones and the Internet that enables you to see each others' ************************:

Know where you are, where your friends are and send them messages for free!

With Nulaz, friends can find each other in a crowded place, a mother can keep an eye on her kids, and you can see where all your friends are when you go clubbing.

After downloading and installing Nulaz on your mobile phone you first create an account with your information. Then you add your friends to the buddy list and share information with each other.

Now you can track each others' ************************ by mobile phone and online via Nulaz.com. Also, you can send messages via Nulaz for free.

You control your privacy! If you don't want to be seen: go undercover. Or maybe you want to blindfold specific person, whom you don't want to share your ************************ with.

You can easily set your ************************ from a list of favourite ************************s. If your phone has an internal GPS or when you have a Bluetooth GPS, your ************************ is always accurate.


frazdq غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 23 - 02 - 2010, 17:42   رقم المشاركة : [4]
..:: زائر مقيم ::..

moon_light8 is on a distinguished road

thankkkkkkkkk u

moon_light8 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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Nulaz v0.3 shady02 برامج الجوال , ايفون iphone , بلاك بيري blackberry 0 04 - 07 - 2009 22:55

الساعة الآن 21:20.

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