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قديم 19 - 04 - 2009, 13:30
الصورة الرمزية ابن حماس
ابن حماس غير متصل
..:: مشرف قسم المنقولات الادبيه .

ابن حماس is on a distinguished road
Wink لعبه Walkie Tonky 2009 PC

لعبه Walkie Tonky (2009)(PC شيقه جدا

لعبه Walkie Tonky 2009

Thus, we - the typical piston (see film ?war of peaces?, Half-Life 2, Unreal Of tournament 3 and another pair of tens of works, where they figure to [inoplanetyane]). Year of the release: 2009 Genre: 2D-[shuter] Developer: Pieces Of interactive Publishing house: Pieces Of interactive Platform: PC System requirements: Minimum

Description: ?To kill all people!? - dreamily muttered in the sleep the robot Of [bender] from ?[Futuramy]?. Its cherished dream will, it seems, carry out nameless Swedish robot, the main hero of the two-dimensional arcade Of walkie Of tonky. For the destruction of humanity to him it is sufficient vapors of tenacious arms and two very long feet. Thus, we - the typical piston (see film ?war of peaces?, Half-Life 2, Unreal Of tournament 3 and another pair of tens of works, where they figure to [inoplanetyane]). The machines of innocent civilians and the tanks of servicemen will go towards us, helicopters and fighters rush. If in robot fly projectiles, it can deftly from them to [uvorachivatsya]: draw feet in body - rocket [promchitsya] overhead. You will lengthen extremities - projectile [proshmygnet] between them as the ball between the feet of the gaping herself goalkeeper. The same maneuver will prove useful for overcoming the embarked on the path building - robot gracefully will step over through it. To many-storeyed house it is possible to open, you will excuse, from the foot. I.e., not simple to kick it, but to stop up the right button of mouse, to lead it to the left (robot it will make a swing), and to then sharply move to the right - our hero will bring down for the building entire its [robotomoshch].

لعبه Walkie Tonky 2009



gufi Walkie Tonky 2009 PC


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الساعة الآن 13:26.


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