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قديم 15 - 12 - 2008, 22:52
القناص غير متصل
..:: مشرف سابق::..

القناص is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Counter Spy

برنامج Counter Spy لإزالة برامج التجسس

Counter Spy 2.5.1040

Counter Spy

Counter Spy يمكنك بواسطة هذا البرنامج من إزالة برامج التجسس وحمايتك منها إلى جانب الحماية من النوافذ الدعائية الفجائية وإعادة التوجيه في المتصفح والأداء البطيء جدا للجهاز جراء البرامج التجسسية إلى غير ذلك من الحماية. يوظف نظام Counter-spy الفعال للحماية العشرات من مراقبات الحماية الشبكية والتي تراقب جهازك من محاولاات البرامج المشكوك فيها من التنصيب على جهازك. يحصل البرنامج على التحديثات الخاصة به من ثلاثة مصادر، ومن ضمنها فريق البحث الخاص بالشركة المنتجة ومجموعة مايكروسوفت البحثية ومن المستخدمين مثلك.اذا حمل البرنامج وانتا مطمئن على سلامة حاسوبك ضد اي هجمات ملفات التجسس سواء البرامج التي تقوم بتحميلها او تجوالك على شبكة العنكبوتية ، رائع ذو امكانيات كبيرة جدا ويستحق بكل تأكيد التجربة

Counter Spy

Counter Spy
This software is a powerful, effective and popular 5-Star antispyware protection

CounterSpy detects, deletes and protects! CounterSpy has Active Protection.

You could call it a "spy-wall." There are "checkpoints" that are monitored in real-time for attempts to install spyware. A very high percentage will be blocked by CounterSpy.

Just like the early days of viruses, spyware is quickly becoming an increasing threat to both individual and corporate computer users. Spyware does more than just steal information about your computing habits.

It slows down your PC and might break it so badly you cannot even get on the Internet any more. This page tells you about the stand-alone version of CounterSpy for consumers. But there is also an enterprise edition.

Counterspy's Active Protection system employs dozens of online 'guards' who continually monitor your PC for suspicious software attempting to install.

Remove spyware and protect your computer from pop-up ads, browser redirects (hijack), lagging performance and other malicious threats.

CounterSpy is antispyware that gets its updated spyware definitions from three sources, including our own research team, Microsoft's own spyware research group, and directly from users, like you.

Sweeper, Spyware Doctor, and other anti-spyware software offer so-called "free trials" but their trial versions only scan for free — they won't remove spyware unless you pay to remove it.

More powerful and effective than ever, CounterSpy's award-winning spyware detection and removal is now merged with our all-new VIPRE™ antimalware technology to create the industry's first hybrid antispyware engine.

You may have tolerated these problems in the past, because you didn't have a choice, but now you do.

Now, the most menacing spyware, rootkits, and blended malware threats now have no place to hide! CounterSpy V2's revolutionary new design offers faster, more effective spyware scans and lightweight real-time protection that removes even the deepest rooted malware from your PC.

CounterSpy is powered by a hybrid engine that merges spyware detection and remediation with Sunbelt's all-new VIPRE (Virus Intrusion Protection Remediation Engine).

VIPRE incorporates both traditional antivirus technology and cutting-edge antimalware techniques.

This marriage of technologies enables CounterSpy to respond more effectively than other products to today's increasingly complex and blended threats.

FirstScan is a scan and remove on-boot technology that runs when triggered by a CounterSpy scan to root out deeply embedded malware, even before Windows loads. CounterSpy V2 is the only antispyware with FirstScan technology.

Here are some key features of "Counter Spy":

· Stops spyware from slowing and crashing your PC.
· Protects your privacy and personal information.
· Immunizes your computer against future infections.
· Blocks homepage changes, pop ups, and unwanted redirects.
· Defends your computer with real-time Active Protection


· Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
· At least an IBM Compatible 300MHZ Computer with at least 128MB of RAM
· At least 150MB of available free space on your hard drive
· CDROM if you are having the CD shipped to you (not necessary for online download option.)
· Internet access with at least 56Kbps connection if you plan on participating ThreatNet.


· Full Featured 15-Day Trial

Counter Spy

Counter Spy

Counter Spy

الشركة المطورة : Sunbelt Software
نوع الترخيص : Trial
حجم البرنامج : 56.4 MB
نظام التشغيل : Windows All

تحميل البرنامج Counter Spy 2.5.1040

البرنامج, الحماية, البرامج, التجسس, برامج, جهازك, المستخدمين, البحثية, مثلكاذا, وانتا, مصادر،, مايكروسوفت, ومجموعة, ضمنها, الخاص, مطمئن, بالشركة, المنتجة, البحث, حاسوبك

Counter Spy 2.5.1040

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Counter Spy


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18 - 11 - 2009, 19:46   رقم المشاركة : [2]
..:: زائر جديد ::..

anin410 is on a distinguished road

thanks for all

anin410 غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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