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قديم 15 - 12 - 2008, 22:37
القناص غير متصل
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القناص is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Tootoo RMVB to X Converter

برنامج Tootoo RMVB to X Converter

Tootoo RMVB Converter

وصف برنامج Tootoo RMVB to X Converter

Tootoo RMVB to X Converter description

Convert RMVB files to other popular video formats with ease.

Tootoo RMVB to X Converter is a powerful and comprehensive piece of software that provides you with the possibility to quickly and easily convert your RMVB files to other popular video formats with high speed and excellent output quality.

With a well-designed interface, Tootoo RMVB to X Converter can help you convert RMVB files to almost all kinds of popular video easily, including DivX, XviD, WMV, 3GP, AVI, MP4, M4V, ASF, FLV, VOB and MPEG. It offers some parameters of conversion options that you can be set, for example the *************** rate, bit rate etc.

Here are some key features of "Tootoo RMVB to X Converter":

· Convert RMVB video to all popular video formats

· Input video format supported: RMVB video file

· Output video format supported: almost all popular video file format(AVI, MPEG, WMV, FLV etc.).

· Video Screen Crop/Pan

· Tootoo RMVB to X Converter provide a perfect conversion scheme to convert RMVB video between different video aspect such as 16???9 and 4???3 video, whatever RMVB to WMV, RMVB to MPEG or RMVB to AVI etc.

· Batch conversion you can enactment every RMVB video converting task flexibly, and the task can be saved and load.

· User-adjustable codec parameter setting All of the video codec parameters is optimized and predigested, the default setting can get good quality video, and you also can set them flexibly to get excellent quality video files.

· Output parameters configuration Output files can be renamed(without extension file name WMV/AVI/MPEG etc.) and the output path can be easily modified(absolute path).

· View the information of the original files

· You can view the detail information about video codec, video bit rate, *************** rate, audio codec, audio bit rate, sample rate etc. of a video file with all file format(WMV, AVI, MPEG, MP4, MOV etc.)

· Play video files for preview

· You can play video files to be converted in the list for the purpose of preview. And the play function support most video format such as WMV, AVI, MPEG, MP4, MOV etc.


· CPU: 350MHz or above

· RAM: 64 MB or above


· 10 files conversion limit

· Nag screen

Tootoo RMVB Converter

Tootoo RMVB Converter

لتحميل برنامج Tootoo RMVB to X Converter

برنامج توتو , fvkhl[ < fvhl[

Tootoo RMVB to X Converter


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قديم 21 - 10 - 2010, 02:32   رقم المشاركة : [2]
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eng ahmed is on a distinguished road
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