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قديم 15 - 12 - 2008, 22:10
القناص غير متصل
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القناص is on a distinguished road
Wink VistaCodecs x64Components 1.5.7

VistaCodecs x64Components 1.5.7 لتشغيل كافة انواع الملفات الصوتية والمرئية

VistaCodecs x64Components 1.5.7

كودك مجانى لتشغيل كافة انواع الملفات الصوتية والمرئية والفيديو والافلام على برنامج الميديا بلاير مع هذا الكودك لن تحتاج الى برامج تشغيل ميديا اخرى بالاضافة الى انه مجانى يستحق التحميل

VistaCodecs x64Components 1.5.7

VistaCodecs x64Components description

Do you want to watch your favorite video in MediaCenter? These components have been tested on Vista Ultimate x64 Edition

Do you want to watch your favorite video in MediaCenter? These components have been tested on Vista Ultimate x64 Edition.

2 versions of Windows Media Player exist in x64 Vista. There is a 32bit version in %ProgramFiles(x86)% and a 64bit version in %ProgramFiles%

Vista Ultimate x64 uses the 32bit player as the system default. The installed components of this release include icons to allow you to change the system's default player between the 32bit and 64bit Windows Media Player.

Observation to be noted

One other aspect of Vista x64 Windows Media Player(s) needs to be mentioned. If you associate a particular filetype to open with WMP while the system default is set to use the 64bit player, that filetype will always open the 64bit player when doubleclicked. This occurs even if you change the system default back to using the 32bit player. (and vice-versa)

The 32bit player has better codec support at this time provided by the Vista Codec Package.

On my system, I set the 64bit Player as default and use Media Player Classic (MPC) for files the 64bit player's can't handle. Since MediaCenter uses Windows Media Players' playlist for its own library, I found this to be the best setup.

This release is a fully functional standalone installation which may be included in an unattended environment using the switch -ai and is 100% compatible with the 32bit codecs installed by the Vista Codec Package.

The x64Components package is a fully functional standalone installation that can be included in an unattended environment using the switch -ai.


What's New in This Release:

· fix DVD playback

· update ffdshow rev 2399

· update Gabests filters rev 910

الشركة المطورة: Shark007
نوع الترخيص: Freeware
حجم البرنامج: 8.9 MB
نظام التشغيل: Windows XP/Vista

تحميل VistaCodecs x64Components 1.5.7

VistaCodecs x64Components 1.5.7

VistaCodecs ,x64Components

VistaCodecs x64Components 1>5>7


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