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قديم 27 - 11 - 2008, 20:43
القناص غير متصل
..:: مشرف سابق::..

القناص is on a distinguished road
Smile Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0

برنامج Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0 لحماية الكمبيوتر من الاطفال

Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0

حماية كمبيوتر من اطفال برنامج Child Control الذي يقوم بتحكم و حماية الحاسوب حيث بامكانك وضع وقت محدد لكمبيوتر او اغلاق الانترنت وايضاً فلترة المحتوايات انترنت الغير مرغوب بها وايضاً يسمح برنامج بوضع حد للدخول لكلا مكونات ويندوز و مجلدات الشخصية و يحتوي برنامج على برتوكول الذي يبلغك لحظة بلحظة حول ما يحدث في جهاز كمبيوتر

Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0

Child Control 2008

Parental control for PC time limits, Internet control, block folders

Child Control is one of the most optimal parental control and security solution.

Set time limits for the PC and/or the Internet and block/filter unwanted Internet contents. Child Control 2008 limits the access to internal Windows components and personal folders.

A protocol informs you at any time as to what happened on your computer and when. Access is protected via password.

Notification of PC and Internet Usage via Email notify. Several safety steps for young computer freaks that are too smart.

Here are some key features of "Child Control 2008":

· Runs on all popular Windows systems (95-XP)
· Define the users who are allowed to access the PC
· Define time limits, either daily or for weekdays
· Define PC Off Times for each hour of each weekday
· Define Internet Off Times for each hour of each weekday
· Define Internet time limits, per day or per week
· Define “unwanted“ Internet contents with keywords
· Time limits can be defined separately for each EXE-file
· Report data is constantly logged to keep track of each user’s time.
· Disable major system settings
· Stealth mode: Make the program invisible to your users
· Whitelist EXE > Define exactly which programs your child is allowed to use!
· Whitelist Internet > Define exactly which URLs are allowed to use!
· E-Mail notification: see what is happening on your home PC from work.
· Define a holiday extension time, when every limit will be extended
· Crack-safe, all “back doors“ can easily be blocked via a mouse click.
· Easy Import and Export functions to share settings with other PCs
· Supports domains and workgroups, easy online update routine
· The user is always of aware of time used, time limit, and time remaining.
· Customize your own warning messages (e.g. non english languages)


· Pentium II / Celeron, or AMD Athlon/Duron running at 266 MHz or above
· a mouse
· VGA (800x600 or higher)
· 64MB RAM
· 5 MB free disk space per application are sufficient.


· 31 days trial
· nag screen

What's New in This Release:

· An Improved Overview
· Find out at a glance what limits have been set for each user. At the same time, the overview lets you know how much time each user has used up, and how much is still available. Also new: You can now reset all accumulated usage times to zero with a single click.

· New Ways of Blocking Web Pages
· Set up time limits or blocked times for individual web pages (URL's). Limit the amount of chatting or gaming that your kids can do at a given site to the ***************work that you have established. Informative sites, such as those that help with homework, remain freely available. Of course, you can still block certain pages completely or permanently enable them. Child Control also supports well-known filtering protocols such as ICRA, and allows you to block pages containing prohibited terms.

· More Control over Programs
· Decide when a given program can be accessed—always, at specified times, or not at all. Now see not only the name of the executable file, but also the actual name of the program.You can also block certain programs at certain times (such as no chat programs after 8:30 p.m.).

· Selecting Programs and Websites Made Easier
· What are the most popular programs or websites on your computer? Our new Top 10 list will show you. Our server will also tell you which programs and sites are the most popular for other users.

· Improved Security
· By analyzing previous attempts to break Child Control, we have focused on strengthening security in those areas. Our new security measures apply to users with Administrator rights, as well.

· More Precise Time Specifications
· Added precision for modifying times of unavailability: Previously, these could be set only on full hours. Now, they can be specified to the minute—for example as 20:30 or 8:30 p.m.

· Greater Convenience for Network Users
· If you're on a network, it's now a simple matter to access other computers and establish time limits for them. This can now be done quite easily, without having to set permissions or file access.
· More Convenient Logs by Email
· You can now have your logs sent automatically to an account on our mail server. This eliminates the need for complicated settings for email delivery.

Additional Features:
· Wizard: Set the most important time limits with a few clicks
· Program time limits may now also be set up for program groups as well
· Support for the latest Internet filtering systems, such as ICRA or SafeSurf
· Improved logging and printing functionality, and exporting in .csv and .txt formats
· Improved internal security within Child Control
· Extension of time through TAN numbers
· Copying and pasting of settings
· Email notifications each time the PC is turned on or off
· Customization of email notification messages
· Ability to define and edit Child Control's status messages
· A completely new web filter that supports additional browsers, such as Firefox
· When prohibited expressions are found on web pages, browser windows are no longer closed, but redirected instead
· Time accumulation can be turned off for certain programs, such as vocabulary trainers
· Automatic management of Internet programs made easier to use
· Downloading of .exe and .zip files can be blocked for all browsers
· Improved database and automatic error recognition
· Improved Internet logs, including short form of URL's, for a better overview
· Improved security and elimination of minor known bugs
· Definition of applications that can continue running after time has been used up
· Different internet time limits can be defined for each day of the week
· Improved error recovery and better protection against attempted misuse
· New displays with time limits, time used, and time remaining by user
· "Vacation" extensions for all users with one click
· Time accumulation can be turned off when there is no activity (as for screensavers)
· Blocked times for Internet use can now be defined
· Monitoring can be turned off for certain users (such as parents)
· Network-ready with a central database (in multiple-user version)
· Internet filter now also supports Netscape
· Email notifications with up-to-date logs

Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0

الشركة المطورة: Salfeld Computer
نوع الترخيص: Trial
حجم البرنامج: 10.7 MB
نظام التشغيل: Windows All

تحميل البرنامج Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0

Child Control 2008 9.987.0.0

برامج الحماية و مضادات الفيروسات

برامج الحماية و مضادات الفيروسات

برنامج, وايضاً, كمبيوتر, حماية, مكونات, للدخول, مرغوب, ويندوز, الشخصية, يبلغك, بلحظة, برتوكول, يحتوي, الغير, مجلدات, فلترة, بتحكم, Control, Child, اطفال

Child Control 2008 9>987>0>0


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