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قديم 22 - 06 - 2008, 22:34
القناص غير متصل
..:: مشرف سابق::..

القناص is on a distinguished road
افتراضي AWicons Pro 9.2.0 صمم أيقوناتك ببرنامج خيالي

أخوتي في الله

أبهرني هذا البرنامج الرائع لتصميم الأيقونات .
.تستطيع أن تتفنن وتصمم

بشكل أحترافي بمعنى الكلمه

توجد به أدوات رااااائعه تساعدك على تصميمك....

.قوموا بتجربته وستشاهدون مدى أمكانياته الرهيبه

AWicons Pro 9.2.0

AWicons Pro 9.2.0 صمم أيقوناتك ببرنامج خيالي

User interfaces are getting better and better every year.

The most important part of any good graphical user

interface is iconic graphics. A small image that takes

only a couple dozens of pixels can sometimes have more

meaning than a paragraph of

text. Due to the nature of imagery perception

icons create the strongest associations in human beings.

New technologies and higher resolution rates allow

developers use high-detail true color alpha-blended icons

when designing user interfaces. However creating

vivid icons becomes an insurmountable task unless we use the right tools.

Lokas Software is proud to offer a complete icon

creator toolbox - AWicons Pro! At an unbeatable

price you can purchase all the tools you need to

create graphically rich icons in one package!

AWicons Pro allows searching, creating, editing and

managing icons, cursors and other small imagery.

The application fully supports Windows XP true color icons.

AWicons Pro handles many popular file formats

(such as ico, icl, cur, ani, png, gif, bmp and jpg)

used to store multiple icons of various dimensions

(up to 256x256 pixels) as well as all possible color modes

(mono, 16, 256, true-color and true-color with alpha channel)!

AWicons Pro icon management feature allows scanning

various ************************s for images, which is very convenient

when you do a lot of graphics editing. Being an

icon drawing suite AWicons Pro offers popular drawing

tools (pen, line, ellipse, polygon, text, colors replace, etc.)

and drawing modifiers (such as anti-aliasing, multi-color

gradient, transparency, etc.). You can apply

various artistic effects to your icons. Among those are

aqua, shadow, bevel emboss, contrast, blur and many others.

AWicons Pro comes with comprehensive help system

that includes drawing tips and great samples libraries.

Even if you have never edited icons before you

will find it easy and entertaining to learn-by-play

with easy-to-use multilingual interface! Humble price and

amazing functionality make this software a must have!

موقع البرنامج

حجم البرنامج : 2.5 mb
تنزيل البرنامج


مع خالص تحياتى

AWicons Pro 9>2>0 wll Hdr,khj; ffvkhl[ odhgd


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